What we do


#Endoverfishing: Our Fish projection in Brussels during Agricouncil meeting, December 2017


Between 2017 and 2023, Our Fish worked to end overfishing and restore a healthy ocean ecosystem.

By collaborating with others, and deploying robust evidence, we demanded an end to overfishing as a critical and significant action to address the biodiversity and climate crisis.

What Our Fish wants:

  • EU Member State Ministers to set fishing limits at ecologically sustainable levels, based on the best available independent scientific advice, and to re-allocate national quotas to prioritise fishers with a lower environmental impact and those who can demonstrate that they are complying with the law.
  • All EU Member State Ministers to implement effective at-sea monitoring and enforcement programs, including mandatory remote electronic monitoring for higher-risk fleet sectors – in order to ensure an end to wasteful and illegal discarding, accurate real-time catch data, and a transparent, level-playing field across all fishing sectors and member states.