Request for an administrative inquiry into fisheries catch data in the Netherlands

Request for an administrative inquiry into fisheries catch data in the Netherlands

Request for an administrative inquiry into fisheries catch data in the Netherlands

Letter from NGOs to Virginijus Sinkevičius, Commissioner for Environment, Oceans and Fisheries European Commission  – a request for an administrative inquiry into fisheries catch data in the Netherlands.

“We urgently call on the Commission to instruct the Netherlands to act on the irregularities described above by conducting an administrative inquiry in accordance with Article 102.2 of the Control Regulation, in order to determine the actual quantities landed by Dutch-owned pelagic freezer trawlers in the Netherlands and elsewhere since 2010. This is the only way to remedy the situation, while also shedding full light on the extent of the fraud which has presumably been taking place over several years.”


Letter: Request for an administrative inquiry into fisheries catch data in the Netherlands