Fishing Opportunities as an Agent of Change
Low Impact Fishers of Europe and Our Fish, October 2021
In principle, the allocation of fishing opportunities, e.g. quotas has the potential to ensure environmentally sustainable and socially just fisheries. The EU already has legislation in place for this purpose, but lacks both the political will and a clear mechanism for implementation, and as a result, has so far failed to realise the potential environmental and social benefits.
There is a solution: activating Article 17 of the Common Fisheries Policy to reallocate fishing quotas to the “forgotten” small-scale low-impact fleet, which for historic reasons has had restricted access to quota species. In the context of the climate and biodiversity crises, a just transition to a low-carbon, low-impact EU fishing fleet is critical. This report proposes criteria and processes which the European Commission and member states could harness in order to enable a transition to a more ecologically, socially and economically sustainable fishing industry.
- Download: How the EU can Transition to Low Environmental Impact, Low Carbon, Socially Just Fishing (full report)
- Download: How the EU can Transition to Low Environmental Impact, Low Carbon, Socially Just Fishing (executive summary)
- Download: Für eine umweltschonende kohlenstoffarme und sozial gerechte europäische Fischerei (Zusammenfassung DE)
- Download: Cómo la flota pesquera de la UE puede convertirse en un flota de bajo ambiental, baja en carbono y socialmente justa (Resumen ES)
- Download: Comment la flote de pêche de l’UE peut-elle devenir à faible impact environnemental à faible émission de carbone et socialement juste ? (Résumé FR)
- Download: W jaki sposób unijna flota rybacka może obniżyć oddziaływanie na środowisko, stać się niskoemisyjna i sprawiedliwa społecznie. Prawa połowowe jako czynnik zmian (PL)