Author: dave

  • New roadmap targets responsible sourcing improvements in Spanish seafood industry

    New roadmap targets responsible sourcing improvements in Spanish seafood industry

    New roadmap targets responsible sourcing improvements in Spanish seafood industry

    A coalition of environmental organisations have today launched a roadmap for the Spanish seafood industry to increase responsible sourcing in its supply chain.

    The coalition, which includes ClientEarth, Greenpeace, Oceana, Our Fish, Sustainable Fisheries Partnership and WWF, launched 10 recommendations detailing how companies can address the growing concern about sustainability throughout the supply chain, from source to table.

    They include:

    • Conducting risk assessments of the environmental, legal and social issues to identify risk areas for illegal, unreported or unregulated (IUU) fish.
    • Preparing improvement plans that are quantifiable and time-bound to help businesses achieve a more sustainable supply, and evaluating them annually.
    • Ensuring full transparency, with independent third-party traceability throughout the supply chain, from seafood product origin to sale.
    • Complying with the law – retailers must ensure their supply chain strictly complies with all current legislation.

    Sustainable seafood project coordinator Paloma Colmenarejo, from environmental law charity ClientEarth, said:

    “There is growing demand for environmental and social sustainability for businesses in the supply chains of the Spanish seafood industry, but there is a lot work to be done and it is extremely urgent.”

    Policy and advocacy manager Javier López, from Oceana Europe, said:

    “Legal is not necessarily sustainable. To be a truly responsible supply company, besides ensuring  that fish products are legal, companies must commit to environmental sustainability, and these 10 recommendations will contribute to this goal. ”

    The roadmap has other recommendations for seafood sustainability, such as ensuring supplies are from well-managed, legal, fair and sustainable fisheries. The coalition urges businesses in the supply chain to ensure their suppliers also fulfil the 10 recommendations, thus improving responsibility along the entire supply chain.

    The full report can be found here in both Spanish and English.




  • Nueva hoja de ruta para un abastecimiento más responsable de la industria pesquera en España

    Nueva hoja de ruta para un abastecimiento más responsable de la industria pesquera en España

     Recomendaciones de las ONG a la Industria de la cadena de suministro
    Una coalición de organizaciones ambientales ha publicado hoy una hoja de ruta para que la industria pesquera en España aumente el abastecimiento responsable en la cadena de suministro.

    La coalición, que incluye a ClientEarth, Greenpeace, Oceana, Our Fish, Sustainable Fisheries Partnership y WWF, ha publicado hoy una hoja de ruta con 10 recomendaciones que detallan “Recomendaciones de las ONG a la Industria de la cadena de suministro de los productos del mar”.

    En este documento se analiza cómo las empresas pueden afrontar la creciente preocupación sobre la sostenibilidad de los productos del mar, en toda la cadena de suministro, desde el origen hasta que llegan a nuestras mesas. Además, solicita a las empresas que conforman la cadena de suministro de los productos del mar en España, que cumplan con estas 10 recomendaciones para un abastecimiento más responsable.

    Estas 10 recomendaciones incluyen:

    • Elaborar mapas de riesgos ambientales, legales y sociales, que identifiquen las áreas más sensibles a la presencia de pesca ilegal, no declarada y no reglamentada (pesca INDNR).
    • Elaborar planes de mejora cuantificables y sujetos a plazo, que ayuden a las empresas a alcanzar un abastecimiento sostenible y que se evalúen anualmente.
    • Garantizar una transparencia total de la trazabilidad, mediante la auditoría o certificación de un tercero independiente y a lo largo de toda la cadena de suministro, desde el origen del producto hasta su venta.
    • Garantizar el origen legal de los productos ofertados,  puesto que las empresas deben garantizar que su cadena de suministro cumple estrictamente con la legislación vigente.

    Paloma Colmenarejo, Coordinadora del Proyecto de Productos Pesqueros Sostenibles de ClientEarth en España declaró: “Existe una creciente demanda de sostenibilidad ambiental y social para las empresas de la cadena de suministro de la industria pesquera española, es urgente y hay mucho trabajo por hacer”.

    Javier López, Responsable de pesca de Oceana en Europa, declaró: “Lo legal no es necesariamente sostenible. Para ser una empresa de suministro verdaderamente responsable, además de asegurarse de que los productos pesqueros sean legales, las empresas deben comprometerse con la sostenibilidad ambiental y estas 10 recomendaciones tiene el potencial de contribuir a este objetivo”.

    La hoja de ruta incluye otras recomendaciones en pos de la sostenibilidad de los productos del mar, como asegurar que el abastecimiento lo sea de pesquerías bien administradas, legales y socialmente justas. Este grupo de ONG ambientales solicita a todas las empresas de la cadena de suministro que aseguren, además, que sus proveedores siguen estas 10 recomendaciones, mejorando así la responsabilidad a lo largo de toda la cadena de suministro.

    El informe completo puede descargarse aquí.

    ClientEarth. Paloma Colmenarejo. +34 91 123 07 43.

    Greenpeace. Celia Ojeda Martínez. +34 638 10 17 35.

    Oceana. Javier López. +34 647 52 52 79.

    Our Fish: Rebecca Hubbard. +34 657 669 425.

    Sustainable Fisheries Partnership. Pedro Ferreiro Velasco. +34 679 819 344.

    WWF. José Luis García Varas. +34 690 76 21 63.

  • Hét Visblad:  Strijd Tegen Overbevissing

    Hét Visblad: Strijd Tegen Overbevissing

    Hét Visblad: Strijd Tegen Overbevissing

    Yolanthe Sneijder-Cabau, Tygo Gernandt, Anna Drijver, Rutger Hauer, Bert Kuizenga, Gijs Scholten van Aschat, Benja Bruijning en Lola Brood gingen eind vorig jaar uit de kleren en met een dode vis op de foto. Dit in het kader van de Fishlove campagne om aandacht te vra- gen voor overbevissing.

    Hét Visblad: Strijd Tegen Overbevissing

  • Hét Visblad:  Strijd Tegen Overbevissing

    Hét Visblad: Strijd Tegen Overbevissing

    Hét Visblad: Strijd Tegen Overbevissing

    Yolanthe Sneijder-Cabau, Tygo Gernandt, Anna Drijver, Rutger Hauer, Bert Kuizenga, Gijs Scholten van Aschat, Benja Bruijning en Lola Brood gingen eind vorig jaar uit de kleren en met een dode vis op de foto. Dit in het kader van de Fishlove campagne om aandacht te vra- gen voor overbevissing.

    Hét Visblad: Strijd Tegen Overbevissing

  • Cosmic #12 – Undermining Lobbying to Tackle Overfishing in EU Waters

    Cosmic #12 – Undermining Lobbying to Tackle Overfishing in EU Waters

    Cosmic #12 – Undermining Lobbying to Tackle Overfishing in EU Waters

    How does lobbying happen exactly? And where?

    In this week’s episode, I sit with Rebecca Hubbard in the Thon Hotel EU in Brussels. And for a good reason: it’s a peak lobbying day of the year! EU Ministers decide on (over)fishing quotas for European waters and the Thon Hotel EU is where most of the shady meetings happen and where deals get made, just besides us, as we record this interview.

    With her team at Our Fish, Rebecca specialises in campaigning for ocean issues. Those guys are working extremely hard to end overfishing in European waters. As she repeatedly says: “we can’t let that sh** happen!”

    This conversation takes us to her early days growing up in a conservative area of New South Wales, where she felt “a bit different than the other teenagers”. We deconstruct the key moments of her career, and reach a couple of important take-away that got kept me thinking ever since. I hope you can use Rebecca’s energy and wisdom to advance on your own battles.

    Listen to the interview with Rebecca here.

  • Altinget: EU revser danske myndigheders skerikontrol

    Altinget: EU revser danske myndigheders skerikontrol

    EU revser danske myndigheders skerikontrol

    Danmarks Naturfredningsforening og Our Fish opfordrer samstemmigt til at få bragt orden i den danske fiskerisektor, da upålidelige danske indberetninger om fangster kan have betydelige konsekvenser.

    “Det modarbejder de videnskabelige vurderinger af fiskebestandene og undergraver Danmarks forpligtelse til at fastsætte bæredygtige fangstgrænser,” siger Cathrine Pedersen Schirmer, kampagneansvarlig i Danmark for Our Fish, i en pressemeddelelse.

    Altinget: EU revser danske myndigheders skerikontrol

  • FIS: EC warns Denmark for flaws in fishing regulations control

    FIS: EC warns Denmark for flaws in fishing regulations control

    EC warns Denmark for flaws in fishing regulations control

    FIS: EC warns Denmark for flaws in fishing regulations control

    Environmental organisations ClientEarth and Our Fish welcomed the European Commission´s (EC) decision to give course to the infringement proceedings against Denmark, since the country failed to properly control fishing practices and illegal misreporting of catches.

    The Commission formally notified Danish authorities over their failure to enforce important provisions of the EU Control Regulation (Council Regulation (EC) No N° 1224/2009).

    The Regulation establishes a system for the control, inspection and enforcement by national authorities of the EU rules of the Common Fisheries Policy.

    The Commission considers that Denmark fails to ensure that all fishery products are weighed at landing, and that mandatory catch registration documents record the quantities of each species present, including industrial by-catches.

    “This infringement proceeding against Denmark comes against a background of shocking evidence of a culture of illegal misreporting by members of the fishing industry, in a fishery previously considered low-risk by control experts,” Rebecca Hubbard, Program Director for Our Fish said.

    Continue reading: on FIS website.

  • FIS: EC warns Denmark for flaws in fishing regulations control

    FIS: EC warns Denmark for flaws in fishing regulations control

    EC warns Denmark for flaws in fishing regulations control

    FIS: EC warns Denmark for flaws in fishing regulations control

    Environmental organisations ClientEarth and Our Fish welcomed the European Commission´s (EC) decision to give course to the infringement proceedings against Denmark, since the country failed to properly control fishing practices and illegal misreporting of catches.

    The Commission formally notified Danish authorities over their failure to enforce important provisions of the EU Control Regulation (Council Regulation (EC) No N° 1224/2009).

    The Regulation establishes a system for the control, inspection and enforcement by national authorities of the EU rules of the Common Fisheries Policy.

    The Commission considers that Denmark fails to ensure that all fishery products are weighed at landing, and that mandatory catch registration documents record the quantities of each species present, including industrial by-catches.

    “This infringement proceeding against Denmark comes against a background of shocking evidence of a culture of illegal misreporting by members of the fishing industry, in a fishery previously considered low-risk by control experts,” Rebecca Hubbard, Program Director for Our Fish said.

    Continue reading: on FIS website.

  • EU Commission sends formal warning to Denmark for failing to properly control fisheries

    EU Commission sends formal warning to Denmark for failing to properly control fisheries

    Commission sends formal warning to Denmark for failing to properly control fisheries

    Undercurrent News: January 25, 2019:

    Environmental organizations ClientEarth and Our Fish welcomed a decision by the European Commission to follow-up on infringement proceedings against Denmark for failing to properly control fishing practices, and illegal misreporting of catches, they said, in a press release.

    Denmark has been found in breach of its legal obligation to ensure that fishers record bycatches in their electronic logbook, leaving huge quantities of fish undeclared. As a result, the European Commission has formally notified Danish authorities, giving them two months to comply with EU law.

    “Denmark is blatantly breaching its obligation to control fishers operating in its waters. We welcome the Commission’s decision to open infringement proceedings for Denmark’s failure to monitor fishing activities by its vessels,” ClientEarth Fisheries lawyer Elisabeth Druel said, in a statement. “In addition, we’re concerned that Danish authorities also granted illegal fishers access to European public money.”

    Continue Reading: Commission sends formal warning to Denmark for failing to properly control fisheries