‘To tackle climate change, start by ending overfishing’

Mike Walker: 'To tackle climate change, start by ending overfishing'

Mike Walker: 'To tackle climate change, start by ending overfishing'

Irish Independent: ‘To tackle climate change, start by ending overfishing’ by Mike Walker

The ocean is incredible: not only is it the origin of all life, it stores the most carbon, regulates the climate and provides us with every second breath. It is estimated the ocean has absorbed over 90pc of human-induced global warming; without it, the global temperature would have already increased by more than 30C. A staggering fact, given the risks associated with just a 2C increase.

The ocean provides food and livelihoods for billions of people around the world, and if it were an economy, it is estimated that it would be the seventh largest.

The value of the ocean to the Irish economy was estimated at €1.97bn in 2017, but as an island nation, the value to our culture and well-being is priceless.

Continue reading -on the Irish Independent: ‘To tackle climate change, start by ending overfishing’ or read here on the Our Fish website.