Intrafish: NGOs Protest to End Overfishing in Baltic Sea

Activists welcomed delegates arriving at the Baltic Sea quota meetings in Copenhagen dressed up with cod costumes.

Environmental organizations in Copenhagen urged officials at the BALTFISH event held this week to discuss fishing quotas in the Baltic Sea to end overfishing and avoid pandering on demands of big businesses.

Activists supporting the Our Fish campaign dressed up in cod costumes to meet delegates attending the discussions at the Danish Agrifish Agency.

In addition, campaign leaders complained that the discussions are held “behind closed doors,” while asking officials to stop “endorsing overfishing.”

“Recent scandals about mismanagement of the Danish system for distribution of fishing rights by the Ministry for Food and Environment, confirm a tendency to prioritize the interests of a
few powerful players in the fishing industry,” said Magnus Eckeskog, oceans campaigner at Greenpeace.

“We urge the new Fisheries Minister Karen Ellemann to start restoring Denmark’s broken reputation by fighting to combat overfishing instead of feeding it.”

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