European Interest: Baltic fishing limits ‘still too far from safe’

Baltic fishing limits ‘still too far from safe’

Published on 4 September 2018 on European Interest: Baltic fishing limits ‘still too far from safe’

The European Commission is again choosing to propose fishing limits above what science says is safe, according to Our Fish Programme Director Rebecca Hubbard. She was responding to the publication of the European Commission proposal for Baltic Sea fishing opportunities for 2019 on September 1, which includes increased quotas for plaice and western cod and reductions for Western herring.

“This is not only a warning for EU ambition on ocean governance, it sets a low bar for EU fisheries ministers to deliver on their duty to end overfishing,” said Hubbard. “Despite this, fisheries ministers can still respond to EU citizens’ expectations and restore ocean health by setting limits that will end overfishing in the Baltic Sea in 2019.”

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