Category: Press

  • Bonn Climate Conference: NGOs Call for Harnessing of Ocean’s Power in Climate Change Fight

    Bonn Climate Conference: NGOs Call for Harnessing of Ocean’s Power in Climate Change Fight

    Bonn Climate Conference: NGOs Call for Harnessing of Ocean’s Power in Climate Change Fight
    Ocean and Climate Dialogue, Bonn. Photo: Rebecca Hubbard

    Bonn, Germany, Wednesday 15th June 2022: NGOs attending the UN Climate Conference in Bonn welcomed today’s first annual UN Ocean and Climate Change Dialogue – aimed at strengthening ocean-based action on climate change – but called for development of specific goals and a pathway for increasing ocean climate action that can be agreed at the Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC in Egypt later this year (UNFCCC, COP27).

    The mandate to hold the Ocean and Climate Change Dialogue was provided by COP 26 Glasgow in December 2021. Today’s four-hour Dialogue included two rounds of panels including presentations from the UN Food and Agriculture Organisation, Fiji, USA, and Belize, followed by interventions from Parties like the EU, Norway and Chile, on ‘strengthening and integrating national ocean climate action under the Paris Agreement’ and ‘enabling ocean climate solutions and optimising institutional connections’.

    There was active participation in the Dialogue, with input from many countries on their commitments to decarbonise shipping and fishing, enhance protection of coastal and marine ecosystems, acknowledge the importance of sustainable fisheries, and to increase finance and support for developing a roadmap for further ocean climate action.

    “Despite taking the significant and welcome step of organising this annual ocean climate dialogue, the UNFCCC must urgently navigate the long route from acknowledging the ocean’s role in climate action to mapping how we can fully harness the power of the ocean in the fight against climate change,” said Rebecca Hubbard, Programme Director of Our Fish. “It was encouraging to hear that the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has specifically noted the importance of sustainable fisheries management as a nature based solution, and that the EU is pursuing decarbonisation of its fishing fleet. We expect to see ecosystem-based fisheries management and a transition to low-impact low-carbon fishing play an increasingly important role in both the UNFCCC process, other UN fora, and in the EU’s climate action plans,” she concluded.

    “It is clear that UNFCCC has heard the call from the ocean and the suggestion that there will be an ocean session at plenary at COP27 in Egypt is strongly supported”, said Ed Goodall from Whale and Dolphin Conservation. “We are hearing more positive words around blue carbon and NDCs but action must be fast, and we must ensure that the ocean life, like whales and fish, that drives carbon and nutrient cycling is considered and given a similar mandate of protection and restoration”.

    “We need to integrate and strengthen ocean-based action in other existing UNFCCC processes and workstreams, which includes encouraging and supporting countries to integrate ocean actions in their Nationally Determined Contributions, National Action Plans and the Global Stocktake. The Ocean and Climate Change Dialogue should reinforce mainstreaming of ocean-based climate solutions and ensure proper addressing of drivers to ocean and climate change, and thereby avoid a siloed approach to oceans under the UNFCCC,” Julika Tribukait from WWF Germany said.



    The ocean has absorbed over 90% of the excess heat generated by humans since the industrial revolution, without which, it is estimated the Earth would be 35 degrees hotter. But these climate services are not merely chemical and physical reactions – they rely on a functioning ocean-carbon pump, which relies on an ocean full of marine life, fish and healthy habitats.

    Coastal and marine blue carbon ecosystems not only provide climate mitigation benefits, but are key to adaptation by acting as buffers against the impacts of extreme weather events and sea-level rise. Similarly, managing healthy populations of fish and more complete marine food webs not only increases resilience of the ocean in the face of climate change, it also reduces the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere by increasing sequestration and reducing emissions from the fishing fleet.

    Keeping the ocean’s ecosystems functions intact to maintain its power to mitigate and adapt to climate change protects the livelihoods of millions of people around the globe living in coastal communities, especially those in coastal LDCs and SIDS.

    Climate change acts as a threat multiplier to the oceans – it not only creates new problems in the ocean such as acidification, it undermines the ocean’s capacity to deal with other impacts such as overfishing or pollution, and it reduces the ocean’s capacity to mitigate and adapt to climate change, thereby creating a dangerous feedback loop and downward spiral.



    Dave Walsh, Our Fish communications, +34 691 826 764,

    Danny Groves, Whale and Dolphin Conservation Communications Manager, +44 7834 498 277,

    Julika Tribukait, Policy Advisor Coastal Ecosystems, WWF, +49 151 18854960,



    CAN International submission to the Ocean & Climate Dialogues:

    Our Fish submission to the Ocean & Climate Dialogues—OurFish%20_OceanClimatedialogueSBSTA56.pdf

    Whale and Dolphin Conservation & Marine Conservation Society submission to the Ocean & Climate Dialogues—UNFCCC%20Ocean%20Climate%20Dialogue%202022%20-%20MCS%20and%20WDC%20joint%20submission%20FINAL.pdf



  • UNFCCC- UN Climate Change: Plenty of Fish? by Rebecca Hubbard

    UNFCCC- UN Climate Change: Plenty of Fish? by Rebecca Hubbard

    UNFCCC: Plenty of fish by Bec Hubbard

    Published on the UN Climate Change website (UNFCCC) during the Bonn Climate Change Conference (Friday 10 June 2022), featuring Our Fish Programme Rebecca Hubbard:

    Overfishing – when more fish are caught than can be replaced through natural reproduction – is one of the biggest issues marine ecosystems face today. This can happen either directly, or indirectly through bycatch – the capture of unwanted sea life while fishing for a different species.

    Our Fish works to end overfishing and restore a healthy ocean ecosystem and is calling for an end to overfishing as a critical and significant action to address the biodiversity and climate crisis.

    “Our seas have been heavily overfished and the ecosystems degraded over many decades,” says Rebecca Hubbard, Our Fish’s Program Director, who highlights the fact that European seas are the most heavily trawled in the world. “In Europe, more than 40 per cent of fish populations are still overfished in the Northeast Atlantic, while around 90 per cent are overfished in the Mediterranean.”

    Continue reading: Plenty of Fish?

  • Scientific Advice: No improvement for collapsed fish stocks – time for a reboot in the Baltic Sea

    Scientific Advice: No improvement for collapsed fish stocks – time for a reboot in the Baltic Sea

    No improvement for collapsed stocks - time for a reboot in the Baltic Sea

    See also: Joint NGO recommendations on Baltic Sea fishing opportunities for 2023

    Brussels, 1 June 2022: Responding to today’s publication of annual scientific advice for 2023 fishing limits in the Baltic Sea by the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES), a group of non-governmental organisations said that the Baltic Sea remains in a dire condition, despite tightening of fishing limits in recent years, and that governments in the region must urgently implement precautionary, ecosystem-based fisheries management and boost control and enforcement.

    The ICES scientific advice [1] shows no improvements of the Baltic fish populations previously considered as depleted, such as Eastern Baltic cod. Although the two Baltic plaice stocks are abundant, the scientists have given a warning signal that the current management of plaice with just one fishing limit for two populations “could lead to the overexploitation of either stock”.  The situation of pelagic species is diverse, with the Gulf of Riga herring population growing, while central Baltic herring remains at a worryingly low level.

    ICES advises small increases on three stocks (western Baltic cod, plaice and main basin herring), decreases for three stocks (Bothnian sea herring, sprat and Riga herring) zero TAC on one stock (Eastern cod) and a roll over from last years for the two salmon management areas. One stock, western herring, which is severely depleted, is not included in this advice and will be released at a later stage.

    “The scientific advice for fishing limits in the Baltic Sea should teach a tragic lesson to EU fisheries ministers: continued overfishing will have permanent repercussions, that not only destroy the ecosystem’s capacity to function, it will decimate the industry that depends upon it”, said Rebecca Hubbard, Program Director Of Our Fish. “Now is the time for the EU Commission to step up and ensure that all fishing in the Baltic Sea has climate and ecosystem impact assessments, and for Member States to allocate the meagre quota available to those fishers with the least environmental impact and delivers the best social and economic benefits, as Article 17 of the Common Fisheries Policy requires.”

    “Today’s advice from ICES confirms that the Baltic Sea ecosystem and the fisheries exploiting it are facing the worst crisis ever. Focusing on recovery, measures like cameras onboard to monitor bycatch and use of the best available selective and low impact gear must be made mandatory if any fishing is to happen in this exhausted and fragile ecosystem. Bottom trawling, with all its negative impacts on habitats, species and climate, has no place in the Baltic Sea anymore and must leave room for low impact fishers and angling”, said Jan Isakson, Director of the Fisheries Secretariat.

    “The ICES advice highlights once again that we fundamentally need to change the way we manage our fisheries in the Baltic. Besides setting fishing limits that stay within the scientific advice, the fishery of tomorrow needs to be as climate neutral as possible and fully electronically monitored. Decision makers need to do more to protect vulnerable fish habitats from bottom trawling and adopt an ecosystem based fishery,” said Cathrine Pedersen Schirmer from the Danish Society of Nature Conservation.

    “The most positive and concrete approach of the scientific advice and management options presented today is for the Baltic salmon stocks. Closing down harmful fishing on weak and stronger stocks intermixed in the open sea and instead focus fishing closer to rivers of origin and at the same time keep total quota low. This is the most useful advice the ICES released today and other stocks need a similar approach to safeguard subpopulations”,  says Nils Höglund, Fisheries Policy Officer at Coalition Clean Baltic.

    “In a context of climate and environmental crises, fishing must go from being part of the problem to being part of the solution. The latest scientific advice shows that some of the main Baltic fish populations, including cod, herring, and eel, are overexploited and in a critical conservation state. There is an urgent need for Baltic states to not only set the fishing mortality to sustainable levels and minimise the impacts of fishing in the ecosystem, but also to progress towards an ecosystem-based management system in which fishing contributes to bringing back the good environmental status of the Baltic Sea”, said Javier López, Campaign Director for Sustainable Fisheries at Oceana in Europe.

    “The dramatic situation of fish stocks in the Baltic shows clearly that we must adapt our fisheries to the reality of the ecosystem, it doesn’t work the other way around. The focus of the coming years needs to be to rebuild the stocks and to restore the ecosystems”, said Christine Adams, Fisheries Policy Officer at Seas At Risk, adding: “Now the European Commission needs to defend that against short-sighted economic interests of fisheries ministers and guide the way into a future where all fishing in the Baltic is low-impact and low-emission.”

    “The new scientific advice for Baltic fish stocks continues to emphasise that sprat is an important forage species for Baltic cod, and that multispecies interactions should be considered when managing the sprat fishery. We therefore recommend that the European Commission and Baltic fisheries ministers continue to set sprat fishing limit below the maximum threshold advised by scientists, as was the decision for 2022. This is a step towards implementation of the ecosystem-based approach to fisheries management, a clear requirement of the Common Fisheries Policy,” said Johanna Fox, Director of the WWF Baltic Ecoregion Programme.

    ICES also issues advice on non-quota species of flounder and sea trout. Flounder is concerning as the species is caught predominantly as bycatch, is still legally discarded in large amounts, and health of the multiple stocks are not well known.

    See also: Joint NGO recommendations on Baltic Sea fishing opportunities for 2023


    Western Baltic Cod (subdivisions 22-24)

    Eastern Baltic Cod (subdivisions 24-32) 

    Gulf of Bothnia Herring (subdivisions 30 and 31)

    Central Baltic Herring (subdivisions 25–29 and 32, excluding the Gulf of Riga)

    Gulf of Riga Herring (subdivision 28.1)

    Sprat (subdivisions 22–32)

    Plaice in Kattegat, Belt Seas, and the Sound (subdivisions 21–23)

    Plaice in Baltic Sea (excluding the Sound and Belt Seas, subdivisions 24–32)

    The ICES advice for Western Spring Spawning Herring (subdivisions 20–24, Skagerrak, Kattegat, and western Baltic) will be released later, together with the advice for the North East Atlantic stocks.

    NOTE: NGOs will produce our recommendations for fishing limits for all Baltic fish stocks for 2022 in the coming weeks.




    Cathrine Pedersen Schirmer, Senior Marine Policy Officer, The Danish Society for Nature Conservation,, +45 31 19 32 26

    Christine Adams, Fisheries Policy Officer, Seas At Risk,, +32 465 52 64 52

    Dave Walsh, Communications Advisor, Our Fish,, +34 691 826 764

    Emily Fairless, Communications Officer, Oceana,, +32 (0) 478 038 490

    Jan Isakson, Director, FishSec,, +46 70 608 74 83

    Johanna Fox, Director, WWF Baltic Ecoregion Programme,, +46 70 009 05 48

    Nils Höglund, Fisheries Policy Officer, Coalition Clean Baltic,, +46 708 679249



  • Parliament Vote Paves Way for EU Transition to Low Impact, Low carbon, Socially-Just Fishing

    Parliament Vote Paves Way for EU Transition to Low Impact, Low carbon, Socially-Just Fishing

    Small-scale fishing vessels in Saint-Jean de Luz, France. Photograph: Dave Walsh
    Small-scale fishing vessels in Saint-Jean de Luz, France. Photograph: Dave Walsh

    Brussels, 12 May 2022:- Responding to the May 11th vote by the EU Parliament PECH Committee to pass the Draft report on the implementation of Article 17 of the Common Fisheries Policy [1,2], which aims to incentivise fishing in the most sustainable manner by giving priority access to resources, Rebecca Hubbard, Programme Director for Our Fish said [3]:

    “Our Fish welcomes the outcome of the PECH Committee vote, which sends a clear message to the EU Commission that it must do more to guide EU member states, and for EU governments to ensure they allocate fishing quotas based on a fair and transparent process, using environmental, social and economic criteria, in order to end overfishing and deliver on the EU’s Biodiversity Strategy [4]. These criteria can include climate and ecosystem considerations, the compliance history of fishers, and the contribution to the local economy.”

    Article 17 of the European Union’s Commission Fisheries Policy states that “when allocating the fishing opportunities available to them… Member States shall use transparent and objective criteria including those of an environmental, social and economic nature”. It lists as criteria “the impact of fishing on the environment, the history of compliance, the contribution to the local economy and historic catch levels”. Article 17 also outlines that “within the fishing oppor­tunities (i.e. quotas) allocated to them, Member States shall endeavour to provide incentives to fishing vessels deploying selective fishing gear or using fishing techniques with reduced environmental impact, such as reduced energy consumption or habitat damage.

    “The EU Common Fisheries Policy is designed to ensure that the transparent allocation of fishing quotas is used as an incentive to improve environmental, social and economic outcomes; in fact it requires it. However, EU member states have so far ignored this requirement and have spent eight years squandering this opportunity to accelerate a transition to low-impact, low-carbon fishing”, said Hubbard.

    “Today’s vote adds much-needed political support for harnessing this powerful tool to end overfishing, restore ocean health, deliver climate action, and secure the future of coastal communities, and provides Commissioner Sinkevičius and EU Fisheries Ministers with the perfect opportunity to transition the industry and the ocean to a position where they are in the best possible place to both act on, and withstand, the challenges we are facing with the climate and nature crisis”, concluded Hubbard.


    Dave Walsh, Our Fish Communications:, +34 691 826 764

    [1] The implementation of Article 17 of the Common Fisheries Policy Regulation 2021/2168 (INI) Own Initiative Procedure

    [2] CFP REGULATION (EU) No 1380/2013

    Article 17. Criteria for the allocation of fishing opportunities by Member States

    When allocating the fishing opportunities available to them, as referred to in Article 16, Member States shall use transparent and objective criteria including those of an environmental, social and economic nature. The criteria to be used may include, inter alia, the impact of fishing on the environment, the history of compliance, the contribution to the local economy and historic catch levels. Within the fishing oppor­tunities allocated to them, Member States shall endeavour to provide incentives to fishing vessels deploying selective fishing gear or using fishing techniques with reduced environmental impact, such as reduced energy consumption or habitat damage.

    [3] Report: How the EU can Transition to Low Environmental Impact, Low Carbon, Socially Just Fishing

    Fishing Opportunities as an Agent of Change

    Low Impact Fishers of Europe and Our Fish, October 2021

    In principle, the allocation of fishing opportunities, e.g. quotas has the potential to ensure environmentally sustainable and socially just fisheries. The EU already has legislation in place for this purpose, but lacks both the political will and a clear mechanism for implementation, and as a result, has so far failed to realise the potential environmental and social benefits.

    There is a solution: activating Article 17 of the Common Fisheries Policy to reallocate fishing quotas to the “forgotten” small-scale low-impact fleet, which for historic reasons has had restricted access to quota species. In the context of the climate and biodiversity crises, a just transition to a low-carbon, low-impact EU fishing fleet is critical. This report proposes criteria and processes which the European Commission and member states could harness in order to enable a transition to a more ecologically, socially and economically sustainable fishing industry.

    Press release: EU Holds Key To Just Transition to Low-Carbon, Low-Impact Fishing Industry – 

    [4] Biodiversity strategy for 2030


    About Our Fish

    Our Fish is working to end overfishing and restore a healthy ocean ecosystem. By collaborating with others, and deploying robust evidence, we are calling for an end to overfishing as a critical and significant action to address the biodiversity and climate crisis.



  • AGRIFISH: EU Must Seize Opportunity to End Fishing Sector Fossil Fuel Addiction

    AGRIFISH: EU Must Seize Opportunity to End Fishing Sector Fossil Fuel Addiction

    Stop Fossil Fuel Subsidies

    21 March, 2022: NGOs are calling for a rigorous plan to decarbonise the fishing sector and for the EU to stick to its commitments under the Green Deal, ahead of a meeting between AGRIFISH and the Commissioner for Environment, Oceans and Fisheries Virginijus Sinkevičius on March 21, in response to an emerging crisis in the EU fishing industry over increasing fuel prices. 

    “The European Commission and EU member states must steer away from fossil fuel subsidies and instead set a course that will take EU fisheries beyond environmental destruction towards a more resilient marine environment and fishing sector”, said Flaminia Tacconi, fisheries lawyer at ClientEarth. “Fossil fuels will always be vulnerable to price shocks and instability and fishers need a long-term solution to protect them from this.”

    “Unlike for other sectors, such as agriculture and transport, the EU does not have a medium- or long-term plan for the EU fishing fleet to decarbonise”, said Rebecca Hubbard, Program Director of Our Fish. “With oil prices fluctuating and vulnerable to geopolitical uncertainty and disruption, the European Commission and member states must use the current crisis as an opportunity to wean the fishing sector off fuel subsidies and develop a transition plan to low carbon, low impact fishing once and for all”. 

    Download policy brief, which has been shared with AGRIFISH and European Commission officials. 

     Contact: Dave Walsh, Our Fish Communications Advisor,, +34 691 826 764

     Diane Vandesmet, ClientEarth Strategic Communications Officer, +32 493412289

    Our Fish and ClientEarth


  • NGOs urge European Parliament to push for full implementation of Common Fisheries Policy

    NGOs urge European Parliament to push for full implementation of Common Fisheries Policy


    NGOs urge European Parliament to push for full implementation of Common Fisheries Policy

    Brussels, 16 March 2022:- Ahead of the European Parliament’s public hearing on the implementation and future perspectives of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) tomorrow, NGOs are calling on EU institutions and Member States to better follow and enforce the rules of the policy, rather than  considering any reform at this stage. 

    Vera Coelho, Senior Director of Advocacy at Oceana in Europe, said “The Common Fisheries Policy is fit for purpose – but Member States and EU institutions fail to properly implement it. Engaging in a new reform would distract from taking real action to deliver on the CFP’s commitments to end overfishing, manage fisheries according to ecosystem limits and promote socio-economic benefits. In the current ecological crises and while severe overfishing continues, we have no time for such distractions.”

    While it has been in force since 2014, poor implementation of the CFP by the EU and its member countries is preventing its objectives for sustainable fisheries in Europe from being achieved. For example, 43% of fish stocks in the North-East Atlantic and 83% of those in the Mediterranean are still subject to overfishing1.

    NGOs are calling for concrete solutions to urgently address the challenges of implementing the CFP. For example, the EU Council, national governments and fishers must work together and follow scientific advice to end overfishing, transition fairly (in terms of socio-economics) to low-impact fisheries to mitigate negative impacts on ecosystems (e.g. bycatch of endangered species), and include a climate component in fisheries management (e.g. lessen the impact of the fishing sector on global greenhouse gas emissions).

    Rebecca Hubbard, Programme Director of Our Fish said “While the EU’s fisheries legislation does not mention climate change, it calls for environmental impacts of fishing to be minimised, which clearly includes climate impacts, of which the EU fishing fleet has many. So at this point, we need more delivery of already-made good laws from EU Member States and MEPs, and less blah blah about potential improvements.”

    Before considering any reform of the CFP, NGOs state that the European Commission and EU Member States should use the tools already available in the policy and in other legal instruments to properly implement and enforce its rules. The Commission, for example, should use its power to initiate legislative and political action, including legal sanctions against countries who do not abide by the rules. 

    Antonia Leroy, Head of Ocean Policy at WWF European Policy Office added: “It would be premature to consider the CFP’s objectives as inadequate when some of these objectives, and certain key tools to achieve them, remain generally overlooked. For instance, it is time to dedicate specific quotas to fishers striving to minimise their impact on marine ecosystems, while also making sure that they enjoy a fair standard of living, as called for by the CFP.” 

    Further information:

    This public hearing will feed into an own-initiative report, led by MEP Gabriel Mato on behalf of the European Parliament (EP), and will express the EP’s position on the CFP and its future. In the meantime, the European Commission is preparing a separate report on the functioning of the CFP, due by the end of December, which will determine the future of the policy.

    In addition to its legislative role, the European Parliament is supposed to ensure democratic accountability regarding the protection of the marine environment. Crucially, the EP should scrutinise the progress made in ending overfishing and the situation of fish stocks, as well as the functioning of the fisheries policy as a whole2

    The European Commission is obliged to regularly report to the EP on, for example, fish stock recovery areas and adjustment and management of EU fleets’ fishing capacity3. Further, the Parliament has the power to scrutinise delegated (non-legislative) acts proposed by the Commission, for example by adopting fisheries management for marine protected areas4.

    The Common Fisheries Policy is a set of rules for managing European fishing fleets and conserving fish stocks. It was reformed in 2013 to put the EU on track to meet its sustainability goals with ambitious objectives and concrete timelines. In the last decade, this led to a reduction in the overfishing rate of some species and an increase in the net profitability of the EU fleet (from being only marginally profitable in 2008). 

    However, the EU failed to meet its legal commitment in the CFP to end overfishing for all fish populations by 2020 despite repeated warnings by NGOs and scientific reports confirming the trajectory was off course5.


    * Ends *

    Contact: Dave Walsh, Our Fish Communications Advisor,, +34 691 826 764

    End notes:

    1. EC report of June 2021:

    1. CFP articles 49-50
    2. CFP articles 8 & 22
    3. CFP art. 11
    4. Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries, “Monitoring the performance of the Common Fisheries Policy” (2021), 


    Learn more:

    Joint NGO position paper on the CFP-“Common Fisheries Policy: Mission not yet accomplished”


    Common Fisheries Policy basic regulation:


  • 3,400 Europeans Sign Artwork Calling On European Commissioners to Save the Ocean and Climate

    3,400 Europeans Sign Artwork Calling On European Commissioners to Save the Ocean and Climate

    3,400 Europeans Sign Artwork Calling On European Commissioners to Save the Ocean and Climate
    20220221 Handover of artwork signed by 3,400 EU citizens to Virginijus Sinkevičius at European Commission by Aleksandra Kuźnia, Our Fish.

    22 February 2022:- The European Commissioner for the Environment, Oceans and Fisheries Virginijus Sinkevičius received a framed picture by acclaimed Spanish street artists Boa Mistura, signed by over 3,400 EU citizens, who are calling for urgent action to end over-exploitation and save the ocean to save the climate.

    In November, the image appeared on a nine-story high apartment building in Vilnius, Lithuania, the Commissioner’s hometown, calling on him to take the lead in ending EU destructive and over-fishing and restore the health of the ocean.

    “We’re delivering a print of Boa Mistura’s Heartbeat of the Ocean to the Commissioners responsible for our ocean and climate – Commissioner Sinkevičius and Executive Vice President Timmermans – as a reminder that the ocean is the beating heart of the planet, and Europeans depend on them to turn words into action”, said Rebecca Hubbard, Program Director for Our Fish. “Right now, the EU Commission is drafting its Ocean Action Plan, which is a critical opportunity for Commissioner Sinkevičius to protect our ocean and restore its health.”

    “The EU has signed up to the Leaders Nature Pledge and signed off on the EU Climate Law, but these promises and laws amount to nothing, if everyday decisions continue to wreak havoc on our fish populations, ocean ecosystems, and the climate. We are killing the ocean from fishing too hard and too fast in pursuit of short term profits of a few. This narrow-minded, short-term view overlooks and undermines the ocean’s capacity to store carbon, provide food, be resilient to warming waters, and fight climate change. This artwork, and the support of thousands of Europeans, are calling for urgent action from EU Commissioner Sinkevičius and Vice President Timmermans to save the ocean to save the climate.”

    Earlier in February, Boa Mistura published an open letter to Commissioner Sinkevičius calling on him to take the lead in ending EU destructive and over-fishing and restore the health of the ocean.



    Our Fish Communications:, +34 691 826 764



    Spanish Street Artists Call For Ocean Action from EU Commissioner Virginijus Sinkevičius

    Spanish Street Artists Call For Ocean Action from EU Commissioner Virginijus Sinkevičius

    Briefing: Fisheries management responds to climate and nature emergency

    NGO Shadow Action Plan: Realising the Ambition of the EU Biodiversity Strategy in the Ocean


    About Our Fish

    Our Fish is working to end overfishing and restore a healthy ocean ecosystem. By collaborating with others, and deploying robust evidence, we are calling for an end to overfishing as a critical and significant action to address the biodiversity and climate crisis.



  • The Guardian: Europe’s fishing industry to battle with conservationists over bottom trawling

    The Guardian: Europe’s fishing industry to battle with conservationists over bottom trawling

    The Guardian: Europe’s fishing industry to battle with conservationists over bottom trawling


    Arthur Neslen, The Guardian, 17/02/2022:

    New alliance from 14 nations pledges to fight latest EU curbs on ‘indefensible’ practice of scooping up fish from the sea floor

    An EU action plan to deal with fishing practices that trawl the ocean floor is set to trigger a row between conservationists and a new industry alliance that says it is fighting for Europe’s culture and identity.

    About 32% of Europe’s fish are caught by industrial fishing vessels that rake the sea floor with enormous nets in a process called bottom trawling. Studies indicate that these nets can suck up to 41% of all invertebrate life from the sea floor and cause grave damage to marine environments such as cold water coral reefs and seagrass beds.

    Bottom-trawling is already banned by the EU at depths of more than 800 metres but the European Commission has promised to implement whatever restrictions it deems necessary to further limit the practice, which it called “the most damaging activity to the seabed”. A delayed package of recommendations and announcements now expected in the spring could include a ban on bottom-trawling in marine protected areas (MPAs).

    The fishing industry, however, is preparing to fight back with the formal launch of the European Bottom Fishing Alliance (EBFA) later this month. Formed in response to a petition signed by 150,000 people in December calling for an immediate ban on bottom trawling in MPAs, the alliance unites fishing associations across 14 countries.

    The group argues that bottom trawling is “very sustainable” because of certification schemes such as the one run by the Marine Stewardship Council and because vessels already have to comply with environmental constraints imposed by the EU’s common fisheries policy.

    Others are critical of these arguments. While trawling restrictions could raise prices for a period, said Joachim Claudet, a senior scientist at France’s National Centre for Scientific Research, “ecosystems would recover quite quickly if we stopped trawling, and that would mean there would be more fish to catch with more sustainable practices.”

    Rebecca Hubbard, programme director of the Our Fish campaign group, described the new industry offensive as “a desperate greenwashing initiative in defence of the indefensible”.

    The issue is escalating into a battle, said Nicolas Fournier, campaign director of the Oceana conservation group, which argues for practices such as long-line fishing, and eating more locally-caught and less threatened species. “If we are to seize this opportunity to tackle bottom-trawling, it’s basically now or never,” he said.

    Continue reading – The Guardian: Europe’s fishing industry to battle with conservationists over bottom trawling

  • Call for Ambitious Revision of EU Fisheries Control Regulation to Protect Biodiversity and Climate

    Call for Ambitious Revision of EU Fisheries Control Regulation to Protect Biodiversity and Climate

    Brussels, 10 February 2022:- As the “One Ocean Summit”, organised under the French EU Presidency takes place in Brest (9-11 February), more than 20 non-profit organisations today called on the European Parliament, the European Commission and the Council of the European Union to put in place an ambitious, revised EU fisheries control system that fully protects the marine environment and contributes to the success of the Biodiversity Strategy and of the European Green Deal. 

    In an open letter addressed to the three EU institutions, published today, NGOs called on the French Presidency of the EU Council and on Member State governments, along with Members of the European Parliament and the European Commission, to ensure that the revised EU Fisheries Control Regulation contributes to sustainable fisheries management that reduces the impact of fisheries on the marine environment and promotes the protection of species and ecosystems. 

    The EU Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009, known as the Fisheries Control Regulation [1], is now outdated, and currently under revision. It came into force in 2010 to provide a system of monitoring, inspection and enforcement for fishing operations in EU waters and activities of the EU fleet globally. The control regulation includes responsibilities and obligations for EU Member States with respect to access to their waters and resources, traceability, surveillance of vessels, enforcement and the data collection and documentation of EU fisheries. The European Court of Auditors identified loopholes, which undermine the development of fully documented and transparent fisheries [3]. The current trilogue negotiations on the Regulation started last year and are expected to continue after the French presidency ends in June. 

    “The ongoing trilogue negotiations provide the opportunity to future-proof the EU’s fisheries control system for the years to come”, said Monica Verbeek, Executive Director of Seas At Risk “It therefore must ensure that EU fisheries will be properly and sustainably managed with the aim to minimise environmental impact of fishing activities, and thus create more climate resilient and healthy marine ecosystems in line with the Biodiversity Strategy goals. 

    The NGOs are calling on policymakers “to translate these ambitions into a sound revision of the Control Regulation, which will make a difference for biodiversity and climate”.

    “Several simple, effective, and financially viable solutions exist. If well implemented, they can strengthen the environmental sustainability of the EU fishing fleet, avoid the death of protected species such as seabirds and dolphins, and contribute to a level playing field for EU fishers, continues Ariel Bruner, Senior Head of Policy at BirdLife Europe. 

    The NGOs are calling on the EU institutions to ensure that the revised EU Fisheries Control Regulation contributes to sustainable fisheries management that reduces the impact of fisheries on the marine environment and promotes the protection of species and ecosystems, urging them to:

    • Ensure that all catches are correctly reported and taken into account. This means no increase in the so-called ‘margin of tolerance’ allowed when fishing operators estimate and report their catches. Sustainability of EU fisheries is only possible if scientists and decision makers actually know what has been caught.
    • Ensure that sufficient and robust fishing data are collected on board of all EU fishing vessels, including the recording of incidental catches of sensitive species in electronic logbooks s To be able to verify logbook data, Remote Electronic Monitoring (REM)should be mandatory on all vessels above 12 metres in length as well, as those vessels below 12 metres that are at high-risk of bycatching sensitive species and/or not complying with the Common Fisheries Policy. 
    • Ensure that vessel tracking systems are installed on all EU fishing vessels, independently of their size. Ensure that non-compliance with EU environmental legislation is considered a serious infringement, including fishing in areas that are closed for protection of species and habitats, as well as failing to implement measures to reduce bycatch. 
    • Ensure a digital traceability system covering all fish and seafood products available on the EU market (including preserved and/or processed products), which will promote transparency and sustainability of seafood not only within the EU but also in the global fisheries sector. 

    Open letter: 



    Dave Walsh, +34 691 826 764


    [1] COUNCIL REGULATION (EC) No 1224/2009 of 20 November 2009 establishing a Community control system for ensuring compliance with the rules of the common fisheries policy,

    [2] Special Report No 08/2017: EU fisheries controls: more efforts needed

    [3] The Revision of the EU Fisheries Control System



    The EU Fisheries Control Coalition is an alliance of leading NGOs that works with organizations and individuals throughout Europe to secure a fisheries control system that safeguards ocean health and marine resources for generations to come. Find out more about our work here.