China Dialogue: Cold fish: the global cooling effect of ocean life

Cold fish: the global cooling effect of ocean life

Cold fish: the global cooling effect of ocean life

Emma Bryce, China Dialogue, 7 July 2021: Cold fish: the global cooling effect of ocean life

Overall, Saba’s recent research, published in the journal Limnology and Oceanography, estimates that fish contribute about 16% of the carbon that ultimately sinks into the ocean’s deeper layers. If fish are such a prominent carbon sink, a natural store lowering the concentration of CO2, isn’t protecting them important to efforts against climate change?

That question was among many explored at a symposium in March run by non-governmental organisation Our Fish, which brought together fisheries and climate change researchers, activists and European politicians. Part of the event explored whether research findings could feed into fisheries policies that more proactively protect fish in order to help tackle climate change.

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