Author: dave

  • Vroege Vogels: Nederland een van de grootste overbevissers van Europa – Na Zweden, Verenigd Koninkrijk en Denemarken staat Nederland op nummer 6 van de lijst van de grootste Europese overbevissers

    Vroege Vogels: Nederland een van de grootste overbevissers van Europa – Na Zweden, Verenigd Koninkrijk en Denemarken staat Nederland op nummer 6 van de lijst van de grootste Europese overbevissers

    Nederland een van de grootste overbevissers van Europa - Na Zweden, Verenigd Koninkrijk en Denemarken staat Nederland op nummer 6 van de lijst van de grootste Europese overbevissers

    Na Zweden, Verenigd Koninkrijk en Denemarken staat Nederland op nummer 6 van de lijst van de grootste Europese overbevissers

    Na Zweden, Verenigd Koninkrijk en Denemarken staat Nederland op nummer 6 van de lijst van de grootste Europese overbevissers. Europese landen hebben nog tot 2020 om hier een einde aan te maken. Om die reden roept Our Fish de Nederlandse minister van Visserij Carola Schouten op om dit jaar de overbevissing definitief te stoppen.

    Op dinsdag 12 februari werd de ranglijst van overbevissers gepubliceerd door de New Economics Foundation. In het rapport te zien welke Europese lidstaten hun vissers toestaan om ook dit jaar 312.000 ton aan vis te vangen. Dit is ver boven de quota die Europese wetenschappers als duurzaam adviseren.

    13,5% boven advies

    In 2018 heeft Minister Schouten onderhandeld dat de vissers in Nederland 13,5% boven wetenschappelijk advies weg mogen vangen. Daarmee staat ze overbevissing door Nederland toe. Dat komt neer op 31.910 ton vis die eigenlijk ongemoeid zou moeten blijven.

    “Nederland weet al vijf jaar dat de deadline tegen overbevissing in 2020 eraan komt en zorgt er met dit beleid alleen maar voor dat in dit laatste jaar reuzenstappen moeten worden gemaakt om de deadline alsnog te behalen” aldus Sharon Becker, Campagnecoördinator van Our Fish Nederland. “Voor veel vissoorten in de Nederlandse Noordzee moet er dit laatste jaar wel bescherming komen”.

    Naast de kwetsbare soorten die als bijvangst gelden, staan er slecht voor (zoals zeebaars en kabeljauw). Ook de commerciële visbestanden als schol en haring (die het normaal goed doen) hadden dit jaar lagere quota nodig. Maar toch wil Nederland 32% boven het wetenschappelijk advies voor Noordzeeharing vangen en 25% boven het geadviseerde kabeljauwquotum van 29.437 ton.

    Slechte uitkomst

    Aan het eind van ieder jaar komen alle Europese Visserijministers bijeen in het Noorse Bergen en in Brussel, om te bepalen hoeveel er van ieder visbestand er het jaar daarop mag worden weggevangen. Our Fish zag vorig jaar de slechtste uitkomst sinds tijden: nog nooit werd bij het vaststellen van de visquota zo vaak het wetenschappelijke vangstadvies overschreden.

    “Alleen als we overbevissing stoppen kunnen vispopulaties zich herstellen en kan op de lange termijn de gezondheid van het mariene ecosysteem nog veilig worden gesteld. Daarom moeten Europese visserijministers dit jaar wel leiderschap tonen. Ook onze Nederlandse minister Carola Schouten”, aldus Sharon Becker.

    Vroege Vogels: Nederland een van de grootste overbevissers van Europa

  • Duurzaam Nieuws: Nederland een van de grootste overbevissers van Europa

    Duurzaam Nieuws: Nederland een van de grootste overbevissers van Europa

    "Nederland een van de grootste overbevissers van Europa "


    Nederland staat, na landen als Zweden, Verenigd Koninkrijk en Denemarken, op nummer 6 van de lijst van de grootste Europese overbevissers. Europese landen hebben nog maar 11 maanden de tijd om aan deze praktijk een einde te maken. Daarom roept Our Fish de Nederlandse minister van Visserij Carola Schouten op om dit jaar de overbevissing definitief te stoppen.

    De ranglijst van overbevissers staat in een rapport dat vandaag wordt gepubliceerd door de New Economics Foundation. Het rapport toont aan welke Europese lidstaten vissers toestaan om ook in 2019 nog 312.000 ton vis weg te vissen, ruimschoots boven de quota die Europese wetenschappers als duurzaam adviseren.

    Minister Schouten heeft er in 2018 hard voor onderhandeld dat Nederlandse vissers nog 13,5% boven wetenschappelijk advies weg mogen vangen, waarmee zij de overbevissing door Nederland toestaat. Dat komt neer op 31.910 ton vis die eigenlijk ongemoeid zou moeten blijven.

    “Nederland weet al vijf jaar dat de deadline tegen overbevissing in 2020 eraan komt en zorgt er met dit beleid alleen maar voor dat in dit laatste jaar reuzenstappen moeten worden gemaakt om de deadline alsnog te behalen” aldus Sharon Becker, Campagnecoördinator van Our Fish Nederland. “Voor veel vissoorten in de Nederlandse Noordzee moet er dit laatste jaar wel bescherming komen”.

    Niet alleen kwetsbare bijvangst soorten als zeebaars en kabeljauw staan er slecht voor.  Ook de commerciële visbestanden als schol en haring -die het normaal goed doen- hadden dit jaar lagere quota nodig. Maar Nederland wil toch 32% boven het wetenschappelijk advies voor Noordzeeharing vangen en 25% boven het geadviseerde kabeljauwquotum van 29.437 ton.

    Eind van ieder jaar komen alle Europese Visserijministers bijeen in het Noorse Bergen en in Brussel, om te bepalen hoeveel er van ieder visbestand er het jaar daarop mag worden weggevangen. Afgelopen jaar zag Our Fish de beroerdste uitkomst sinds tijden: nog nooit werd bij het vaststellen van de visquota zo vaak het wetenschappelijke vangstadvies overschreden.

    “Alleen als we overbevissing stoppen kunnen vispopulaties zich herstellen en kan op de lange termijn de gezondheid van het mariene ecosysteem nog veilig worden gesteld. Daarom moeten Europese visserijministers dit jaar wel leiderschap tonen. Ook onze Nederlandse minister Carola Schouten”, aldus Sharon Becker.

    Duurzaam Nieuws: Nederland een van de grootste overbevissers van Europa

  • Undercurrent: Report puts UK, Sweden at top of ‘overfishing league table’

    Undercurrent: Report puts UK, Sweden at top of ‘overfishing league table’

    Report puts UK, Sweden at top of ‘overfishing league table’

    Sweden and the UK have topped a table summarizing the countries which plan to exceed scientific advice in their 2019 fishing quotas, according to a report by New Economics Foundation (NEF).

    With just eleven months until the EU’s self-imposed deadline to end overfishing, the Our Fish campaign called on fisheries ministers to start delivering sustainable fisheries for all citizens, following the release of the report which claims member states will be fishing 312,000 metric tons above scientific advice for Northeast Atlantic fish stocks in 2019.

    Sweden tops this year’s overfishing league table with 52.4% of its Atlantic quota outside scientific advice, followed by the UK at 24.3% and Ireland at 21.7%. In terms of volumes, the UK is the worst culprit, with plans to take 106,925t more than is scientifically recommended (by which NEF goes “predominantly” by advice published by the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea).

    NEF produces the “Landing the Blame” report annually, following the setting of fishing limits for the Baltic and Atlantic, to analyze whether total allowable catches (TACs) have been set above scientific advice, and which EU member states benefit most from these TACs. Fishing limits for the North Sea and Atlantic are set during AGRIFISH Council meetings in December, and are not open to the public or live-streamed.

    “This lack of transparency makes it difficult to say who is most responsible for perpetuating overfishing, however the results clearly demonstrate who benefits most,” said NGO Our Fish.

    “Analysis shows that from 2001 to 2018, two-thirds of EU fishing limits have been continuously set above scientific advice. This willful overfishing, agreed upon by EU fisheries ministers, panders to the short-term profits of a few, to the detriment of the long-term health of the marine environment and all EU citizens who are the owners of this priceless public resource and depend on it for future security”, said Rebecca Hubbard, Our Fish program director.

    “Instead of making serious progress to ending overfishing by the 2020 deadline, EU fisheries ministers actually increased the level of overfishing of Northeast Atlantic fish stocks for 2019 by almost 10% on average above 2018 levels.”

    The report suggests Denmark has risen to fourth position in the league table of member states with the highest percentage of their TAC in excess of scientific advice. According to the report, for the 2019 Atlantic TACs, fisheries minister Eva Kjer Hansen was involved with TAC decisions that allow fishing at 19.7% above levels that scientists have determined to be consistent with the sustainable management of European fish stocks — almost four times higher than last year (5.6%).

    Germany has risen from sixth to fifth position, planning to allow fishing at 18% above recommended levels.

    Ireland has dropped from first place to third, however, the level of overfishing has actually increased to 21.7% of excess TAC (from 17.8%). Ireland has this year received 34,052t above scientific advice, compared to 31,127t last year.

    The Netherlands has dropped from fourth to sixth position, with TAC decisions that allow fishing at 13.5% above levels that scientists have determined to be consistent with the sustainable management of European fish stocks, however this is still an increase from 7.5% for 2018 TACs. The Netherlands is also fourth in terms of the total tonnage of TAC set above advice, receiving 31,910t excess TAC above scientific advice (an increase from 22,104t in 2018).

    According to the report, Sweden has gone from ninth to first place in the “league table”, with over 52.4% of their TAC in excess of scientific advice, due mainly to herring, whiting, mackerel and blue ling in the Skagerrak and Kattegat.

    The UK maintained its position as the second worst overfishing nation in the EU, with the highest percentage of their TAC in excess of scientific advice for Atlantic fish stocks (24.3%), however it the equivalent volume in tonnes has increased by over 30,000t to 106,925t above scientific advice, according to NEF.

    “While Brexit makes all things fishy between the EU and the UK at the moment – one thing is clear — the UK is showing no signs of dropping its addiction to overfishing and continues to flout the interests of UK citizens who are the public owners of this precious resource. Whenever the UK stops working within the EU common fisheries policy, they must deliver a much stronger commitment to following sound scientific advice for sustainable fisheries management, or we will continue to see disastrous economic, social and environmental effects of overfishing,” said Hubbard.

    Undercurrent: Report puts UK, Sweden at top of ‘overfishing league table’

  • Greennews: Ireland one of worst in Europe for overfishing, report finds

    Greennews: Ireland one of worst in Europe for overfishing, report finds

    Ireland one of worst in Europe for overfishing, report finds


    Ireland has the third highest rate of overfishing in Europe with quotas coming in at more than 20 per cent above scientific advice, a new EU-wide report has found.

    The annual Landing the Blame report from the London-based NGO New Economics Foundation (NEF) analyses fishing quotas – or Total Allowable Catches (TACs) – to see if they are set above scientific advice.

    According to Mike Walker, the Irish representative for the fisheries NGO Our Fish, Ireland’s negotiating team failed to “calculate the cost of past and continued overfishing” to both the environment and long-term livelihoods of out coastal communities.

    “Ending overfishing takes both political courage and vision,” he said. “Ending overfishing is the only way Michael Creed can truly act in the interests of coastal livelihoods, and the environment.”

    Europe-wide problem

    Rebecca Hubbard, program director of Our Fish, added that analysis carried out by the group shows that two-thirds of all EU fishing limits has been continuously set above scientific advice since 2001.

    This “willful overfishing”, she said, shows that Europe’s fisheries ministers are acting on behalf of short-term industry profits to “the detriment of the long-term health of the marine environment”.

    “Ending overfishing is the clearest, simplest thing fisheries ministers can do to help restore ocean health – and every day EU ministers waste, decreases the chance for environmental, economic and social benefits in the future,” she said.

    Greennews: Ireland one of worst in Europe for overfishing, report finds



  • Undercurrent: House of Lords: UK unprepared for landing obligation

    Undercurrent: House of Lords: UK unprepared for landing obligation

    House of Lords: UK unprepared for landing obligation

    A committee investigation by the UK’s House of Lords has found the country’s fishing industry remains unprepared for full implementation of the common fisheries policy (CFP)’s landing obligation


    “The UK government has failed to deliver one of its most popularly supported policies to end overfishing and restore ocean health, by letting the landing obligation slip into existence over the last five years without any monitoring and or enforcement of the rules,” said program director Rebecca Hubbard.

    Instead of driving the transition to improved selectivity, better catch data and sustainability that the ban on discards was designed to do, “hundreds of thousands of tons of fish are probably still being wasted and we know even less about what is happening with our public resources at sea”, she continued.

    The fear is that the UK government will let its commitment to ocean health fall away in the transition to Brexit — including by failing to commit to setting annual fishing limits in line with scientific advice — she said.

    Undercurrent: House of Lords: UK unprepared for landing obligation




  • Irish Examiner: Ireland drops to third on excessive fishing shame list

    Irish Examiner: Ireland drops to third on excessive fishing shame list

    Irish Examiner: Ireland drops to third on excessive fishing shame list

    Sweden tops the league table drawn up by the New Economics Foundation (NEF), with 52.4% of its north-east Atlantic quota secured outside scientific advice, while Britain is second, at 24.3%, and Ireland third, at 21.7%.

    The report by the London charity, which is funded by trusts and foundations, predicts that the EU will not reach its 2020 target of sustainably caught fish while EU ministers continue to lobby for quotas beyond limits urged by scientists.

    The foundation has joined with the EU-based Our Fish environmental campaign to call for more transparency in decision-making by EU fisheries ministers.

    Despite “repeated requests from civil society”, the annual fish quota-setting EU council in December is “not open to the public or live-streamed”, the two NGOs state.

    “This lack of transparency makes it difficult to say who is most responsible for perpetuating overfishing,” they state, and “the results clearly demonstrate who benefits most”.

    “Analysis shows that from 2001 to 2018, two-thirds of EU fishing limits have been continuously set above scientific advice,” said Our Fish programme director, Rebecca Hubbard.

    “Instead of making serious progress to ending overfishing by the 2020 deadline, EU ministers actually increased the level of overfishing of north-east Atlantic fish stocks for 2019 by almost 10%, on average, above 2018 levels.”

    Irish Examiner, Ireland drops to third on excessive fishing shame list, 11/2/2019


  • Nieuwe ranglijst: Nederland is een van de grootste overbevissers van Europa

    Nieuwe ranglijst: Nederland is een van de grootste overbevissers van Europa

    Landing the Blame 2019

    Afgesproken deadline tegen overbevissing in 2020 nadert snel

    Nederland staat, na landen als Zweden, Verenigd Koninkrijk en Denemarken, op nummer 6 van de lijst van de grootste Europese overbevissers. Europese landen hebben nog maar 11 maanden de tijd om aan deze praktijk een einde te maken. Daarom roept Our Fish de Nederlandse minister van Visserij Carola Schouten op om dit jaar de overbevissing definitief te stoppen.

    De ranglijst van overbevissers staat in een rapport dat vandaag wordt gepubliceerd door de New Economics Foundation [1]. Het rapport toont aan welke Europese lidstaten vissers toestaan om ook in 2019 nog 312.000 ton vis weg te vissen, ruimschoots boven de quota die Europese wetenschappers als duurzaam adviseren.

    Minister Schouten heeft er in 2018 hard voor onderhandeld dat Nederlandse vissers nog 13,5% boven wetenschappelijk advies weg mogen vangen, waarmee zij de overbevissing door Nederland toestaat. Dat komt neer op 31.910 ton vis die eigenlijk ongemoeid zou moeten blijven.

    “Nederland weet al vijf jaar dat de deadline tegen overbevissing in 2020 eraan komt en zorgt er met dit beleid alleen maar voor dat in dit laatste jaar reuzenstappen moeten worden gemaakt om de deadline alsnog te behalen” aldus Sharon Becker, Campagnecoördinator van Our Fish Nederland. “Voor veel vissoorten in de Nederlandse Noordzee moet er dit laatste jaar wel bescherming komen”.

    Niet alleen kwetsbare bijvangst soorten als zeebaars en kabeljauw staan er slecht voor.  Ook de commerciële visbestanden als schol en haring -die het normaal goed doen -hadden dit jaar lagere quota nodig. Maar Nederland wil toch 32% boven het wetenschappelijk advies voor Noordzeeharing vangen en 25% boven het geadviseerde kabeljauwquotum van 29.437 ton.

    Eind van ieder jaar komen alle Europese Visserijministers bijeen in het Noorse Bergen en in Brussel, om te bepalen hoeveel er van ieder visbestand er het jaar daarop mag worden weggevangen. Afgelopen jaar zag Our Fish de beroerdste uitkomst sinds tijden: nog nooit werd bij het vaststellen van de visquota zo vaak het wetenschappelijke vangstadvies overschreden.

    “Alleen als we overbevissing stoppen kunnen vispopulaties zich herstellen en kan op de lange termijn de gezondheid van het mariene ecosysteem nog veilig worden gesteld. Daarom moeten Europese visserijministers dit jaar wel leiderschap tonen. Ook onze Nederlandse minister Carola Schouten”, aldus Sharon Becker.

    Over Our Fish
    Our Fish is een Europese milieuorganisatie die zich in EU-lidstaten, waaronder Nederland, inzet voor duurzame visserij en de implementatie van het Europese Gemeenschappelijke Visserijbeleid.

    Sharon Becker, Campagnec oördinator Nederland, +31642229702
    Dave Walsh, Our Fish communicatieadviseur, +34 691826764
    Griffin Carpenter, New Economics Foundation, +44 7592 117 776

    Rapport: [1] Landing the Blame, New Economics Foundation

  • Danmark er EU’s fjerde største synder i overfiskeri

    Danmark er EU’s fjerde største synder i overfiskeri

    Landing the Blame 2019

    København, 11. februar 2019 – New Economics Foundation (NEF) har i dag udgivet rapporten Landing the blame, der placerer Danmark på en kedelig fjerdeplads over de EU-lande, der bærer det største ansvar for overfiskeri af Europas havområder [1]. Eksempelvis har Fiskeriminister Eva Kjer Hansen på Danmarks vegne været med til at presse fiskekvoterne for det Nordøstlige Atlanterhav op på hele 19.7% over det niveau, som forskerne ellers har rådgivet hende og hendes kollegaer til, hvis en fremtidig  bæredygtig forvaltning af vore europæiske fiskebestande skal sikres. En forpligtelse, som alle EU-medlemslandene ellers skal leve op til i 2020.

    NEF’s rapport viser imidlertid, at Danmark næst efter Storbritannien er et af de lande, der er med til at kaste de største forhindringer på vejen mod et bæredygtigt fiskeri i EU i forhold til den samlede tilladte fangstmængde (TAC) over den videnskabelige rådgivning. Under forhandlingerne om kvoterne for 2019 i det Nordøstlige Atlanterhav, sikrede Danmark sig eksempelvis de næststørste TAC-forhøjelser målt i tons sammenlignet med forskernes rådgivning (49,914 tons overskydende TAC).

    Overfiskning kan på kort sigt  gavne visse industrielle fiskere økonomisk, men dem der betaler prisen er vore fiskebestande, havområder og de samfund, der er afhængige af fiskeri på lang sigt.

    “Hvis vi satte en stopper for overfiskning og i stedet lod fiskebestandene genopbygge sig selv, så ville de vokse i omfang, og det ville så igen medføre langt større fangster efter blot få sæsoner”, siger Griffin Carpenter, Seniorforsker ved New Economics Foundation og medforfatter til rapporten Landing the Blame.

    “Igennem de seneste fem år har vi analyseret, hvilke EU-medlemslande, der står i vejen for et bæredygtigt fiskeri med flere fisk, større økonomisk overskud på den lange bane og mere jobskabelse, og desværre er Danmark altid placeret i toppen af listen, og det er selvsagt ikke noget at være stolt af,” siger han.

    Cathrine Pedersen Schirmer, kampagnekoordinator for havorganisationen Our Fish i Danmark, tilføjer:

    “Som en af ​​EU’s største fiskerinationer må Danmark i langt højere grad påtage sig et ansvar og forvalte fiskebestandene bæredygtigt og med henblik på at høste langsigtede økonomiske og miljømæssige fordele til gavn for hele samfundet snarere end til økonomisk gavn for nogle få kvotekonger på den korte bane.”

    I 2020 er der deadline for alle EU-lande i forhold til at indfri en række juridiske forpligtelser, bl.a. forpligtelsen i den Fælles Europæiske Fiskeripolitik [2] til at stoppe overfiskning. En anden vigtig deadline er EU’s Havstrategidirektivs [3] frist for at opnå “en god miljøtilstand” i alle EU’s havområder. For at kunne leve op til disse målsætninger skal EU’s havområder være rene, sunde og produktive, og havmiljøet skal udnyttes på bæredygtig vis. En rapport fra Den Videnskabelige, Tekniske og Økonomiske Komité for Fiskeri (STECF) peger dog desværre i retning af en reel risiko for, at målsætningen om genopbygning af fiskebestandene ikke opfyldes i tide [4] .

    Det bekymrer Cathrine Pedersen Schirmer, som siger:

    “Medmindre fiskeriministrene begynder at træffe langt mere ambitiøse politiske beslutninger i år, bliver næste års vigtige, juridisk forpligtelser ganske enkelt ikke opfyldt, og de må så holdes ansvarlige for at have udskudt nogle meget store økonomiske og miljømæssige fordele ved at sikre sunde fiskebestande til gavn for os alle.”



    Cathrine Pedersen Schirmer, Our Fish, +45 21 97 79 05,

    Griffin Carpenter, New Economics Foundation, +44 75 92 117 776,


    [1] Rapporten findes her  NEF  placerer EU-medlemslandene i forhold til den højeste procentdel af deres samlede tilladte fangstmængde (TAC), som overstiger de niveauer, som forskere har rådgivet som værende i overensstemmelse med en bæredygtige forvaltning af de europæiske fiskebestande. NEF placerer også landene i forhold til den samlede tilladte fangstmængde (TAC)- også kaldet fiskekvote, som er fastsat over den videnskabelige anbefaling, dvs., hvor mange tons fisk, der må fanges ud over de niveauer, som eksperterne rådgiver til at være bæredygtige. De samlede tilladte fangstmængder (TAC’er) eller fiskerimuligheder er kendt som fangstbegrænsninger (angivet i ton eller antal) og gælder for de største, kommercielle fiskebestande. Kommissionen forbereder forslagene, som bygger på videnskabelige oplysninger om fiskebestandenes tilstand, og som kommer fra rådgivende organer såsom Det Internationale Havundersøgelsesråd (ICES) og Den Videnskabelige, Tekniske og Økonomiske Komité for Fiskeri (STECF).

    [2] Artikel 2.2. i den Fælles Europæiske Fiskeripolitik, No 1380/2013

    [3] Havstrategidirektivet 2008/56/EC

    [4] STECF (2018), “Monitoring the performance of the Common Fisheries Policy” (STECF-Adhoc-18-01) side 12.


  • Report: EU Countries Allow Hauls of 300,000 Tonnes More Atlantic Fish Than Scientists Advise

    Report: EU Countries Allow Hauls of 300,000 Tonnes More Atlantic Fish Than Scientists Advise

    Landing the Blame 2019

    London, 11 February 2019: – With just eleven months until the EU’s self-imposed deadline to end overfishing, the Our Fish campaign today called on EU fisheries ministers to stop acting on behalf of a few industry short-term profits, and start delivering sustainable fisheries for all EU citizens, following today’s release of a New Economics Foundation report that demonstrates that EU member states will be fishing an enormous 312,000 tonnes above scientific advice for NorthEast Atlantic fish stocks in 2019.

    Sweden – represented by minister, Sven-Erik Bucht, tops this year’s overfishing league table with 52.4 percent of its Atlantic quota outside scientific advice, followed by the UK (John Gardiner) at 24.3% and Ireland (Michael Creed) at 21.7%. In terms of tonnes, the UK is the worst culprit, with plans to take 106,925 tonnes more than is scientifically recommended, more than double the planned overfishing of 2nd-placed Denmark, with 49,914 tonnes [1].

    The New Economics Foundation produces the Landing the Blame report annually, following the setting of fishing limits for the Baltic and Atlantic, to analyse whether Total Allowable Catches (TACs) have been set above scientific advice, and which EU member states benefit most from these TACs. Fishing limits for the North Sea and Atlantic are set during AGRIFISH Council meetings in December, and despite repeated requests from civil society, are not open to the public or live-streamed. This lack of transparency makes it difficult to say who is most responsible for perpetuating overfishing, however the results clearly demonstrate who benefits most.

    “Analysis shows that from 2001 to 2018, two thirds of EU fishing limits have been continuously set above scientific advice. This willful overfishing, agreed upon by EU fisheries ministers, panders to the short-term profits of a few, to the detriment of the long-term health of the marine environment and all EU citizens who are the owners of this priceless public resource and depend on it for future security”, said Rebecca Hubbard, Our Fish Program Director.”

    “Instead of making serious progress to ending overfishing by the 2020 deadline, EU Fisheries Ministers actually increased the level of overfishing of North-East Atlantic fish stocks for 2019 by almost 10% on average above 2018 levels. Fisheries Ministers continue to pile up the pressure and the costs of overfishing, instead of taking both scientific advice – and the benefits it can deliver for the ocean and our communities – seriously.

    “Ending overfishing is the clearest, simplest thing fisheries ministers can do to help restore ocean health – and every day EU ministers waste, decreases the chance for environmental, economic and social benefits in the future. We urgently need real political leadership to end this damaging cycle in 2019,” concluded Hubbard.

    “If we allow fish populations to recover from overfishing they will increase in size and after only a couple fishing seasons produce much greater catches”, said Landing the Blame author Griffin Carpenter, Senior Researcher at the New Economics Foundation.

    “The resulting abundance makes for a healthier and more vibrant marine environment, but also makes good economic sense as more fish means larger catches, higher incomes, and more fish dinners.”

    “It is risky and foolish that fishing ministers continue to delay the end to overfishing all the way to the EU’s Common Fisheries Policy deadline of 2020. Ministers must act now to protect marine life,” concluded Mr Carpenter



    Landing the Blame reports that Denmark has risen to 4th position in the league table of Member States with the highest percentage of their TAC in excess of scientific advice. According to the report, for the 2019 Atlantic TACs, Fisheries Minister Eva Kjer Hansen was involved with TAC decisions that allow fishing at 19.7% above levels that scientists have determined to be consistent with the sustainable management of European fish stocks – almost four times higher than last year (5.6%).

    Denmark has also received the second largest TAC increases above scientific advice in terms of tonnes (49,914 tonnes excess TAC), only preceded by the UK, and is therefore one of the top countries responsible for impeding the transition to sustainable fisheries in the EU.

    “With only a year left to achieve the legal deadline to end overfishing, it is high time that Danish Fisheries Ministers start following scientific advice for all stocks when setting next year’s quotas”, said Cathrine Pedersen Schirmer, Our Fish Campaign Coordinator for Denmark


    Germany has risen from 6th to 5th position in the Overfishing League of Member States. According to the report, State Secretary for Fisheries Hermann Onko Aeikens was involved with TAC decisions that allow fishing at 18% above levels that scientists have determined to be consistent with the sustainable management of European fish stocks – a rate more than three times higher than for 2018 (5.9%), and equivalent to 20,620 tonnes of excess TAC above scientific advice.



    Ireland has dropped from 1st place to 3rd place in the Overfishing League according to NEF, however the level of overfishing has actually increased to 21.7% of excess TAC (17.8%). Ireland has this year received 34,052 tonnes above scientific advice, compared to 31,127 tonnes last year.

    Mike Walker, Our Fish representative in Ireland said “Last December Michael Creed celebrated the outcome of the December Council as being worth €260 million, to “support the livelihoods of fishermen” in Ireland, but did he calculate the cost of past and continued overfishing? Has he considered the cost of a sustained attack on a priceless natural resource, devastating the marine environment and the communities who rely upon it? What about the livelihoods and communities which used to populate the Irish coast, but who have been lost along with the fish stocks – because of overfishing. Ending overfishing takes both political courage and vision. Ending overfishing is the only way Michael Creed can truly act in the interests of coastal livelihoods, and the environment.” [1].



    Netherlands has dropped from 4th to 6th position in the league table of Member States with the highest percentage of their TAC in excess of scientific advice. According to the report, for the 2019 Atlantic TACs, Fisheries Minister Carola Schouten was involved with TAC decisions that allow fishing at 13.5% above levels that scientists have determined to be consistent with the sustainable management of European fish stocks, however this is still an increase from 7.5% for 2018 TACs. Netherlands is also 4th in terms of the total tonnage of TAC set above advice, receiving 31,910 tonnes excess TAC above scientific advice (an increase from 22,104 tonnes in 2018).

    “The Netherlands has already known for five years that the deadline to end overfishing was coming in 2020.  This result shows that bold steps are still needed from the Dutch minister to meet the deadline” says Sharon Becker, Campaign Coordinator of Our Fish Netherlands, “for many fish species in the Dutch North Sea a solution is required within this year”.



    In an embarrassing move for Sweden, it has been rated as the worst EU nation to benefit from overfishing in the Atlantic in the Landing the Blame report. According to the report, Sweden has gone from 9th to 1st place in the league table of Member States with over 52.4% of their TAC in excess of scientific advice – equivalent to 17,369 tonnes – due mainly to herring, whiting, mackerel and blue ling in the Skagerrak and Kattegat.

    “This is an embarrassing position for Swedish Fisheries Minister Sven-Erik Bucht – to have over half of their fishing TAC in the North East Atlantic above scientific advice for sustainable fishing limits in 2019 – going from 9th to 1st place in just one year – is deeply concerning. This year Sweden is going to have to work hard to demonstrate its commitment to sustainable fisheries management by strongly supporting fishing limits in line with scientific advice and stronger monitoring and control of its fleet,” said Hubbard.



    The UK has maintained its position as the second worst overfishing nation in the EU, with the highest percentage of their TAC in excess of scientific advice for Atlantic fish stocks (24.3%), however it the equivalent volume in tonnes has increased by over 30,000 tonnes to 106,925 tonnes above scientific advice.

    “While Brexit makes all things fishy between the EU and the UK at the moment – one thing is clear – the UK is showing no signs of dropping its addiction to overfishing and continues to flout the interests of UK citizens who are the public owners of this precious resource. Whenever the UK stops working within the EU common fisheries policy – they must deliver a much stronger commitment to following sound scientific advice for sustainable fisheries management, or we will continue to see disastrous economic, social and environmental effects of overfishing,” said Hubbard.


    Norway – shared fish stocks

    “In 2018 we saw the worst outcome on record for fish stocks shared with Norway – overfishing has been perversely extended for fourteen out of sixteen TACs. This perverse outcome is not surprising, when considering that civil society was overtly refused entry to the negotiations by the EU Commission, despite a delegation heavy with industry representatives,” said Hubbard. “Our shared fish stocks may be in even worse shape in future, when the UK will be negotiating as another third party, considering their failure to commit to ending overfishing by 2020 after they leave the EU.”





    [1] Landing the Blame, New Economics Foundation


    [2] Balanced and sustainable outcome in Fisheries Negotiations – Creed,122866,en.html



    Dave Walsh, Our Fish Communications Advisor, +34 691826764

    Rebecca Hubbard, Our Fish Program Director, +34 657669425

    Griffin Carpenter, New Economics Foundation, +44 7592 117 776


    About Our Fish

    Our Fish works to ensure European member states implement the Common Fisheries Policy and achieve sustainable fish stocks in European waters.

    Our Fish works with organisations and individuals across Europe to deliver a powerful and unwavering message: overfishing must be stopped, and solutions put in place that ensure Europe’s waters are fished sustainably. Our Fish demands that the Common Fisheries Policy be properly enforced, and Europe’s fisheries effectively governed.

    Our Fish calls on all EU Member States to set annual fishing limits at sustainable limits based on scientific advice, and to ensure that their fishing fleets prove that they are fishing sustainably, through monitoring and full documentation of their catch.


    Follow Our Fish on Twitter: @our_fish