Author: dave

  • Ireland: Michael Creed Misses Out On Making History By Continuing To Overfish

    Ireland: Michael Creed Misses Out On Making History By Continuing To Overfish

    Fishing boats in the village Union Hall, West Cork, Ireland. Dave Walsh
    Fishing boats in the village Union Hall, West Cork, Ireland. Union Hall is synonymous with fresh fish.

    Brussels, December 19, 2018: As the annual AGRIFISH December Council meeting closed this morning in Brussels, Irish campaigners are accusing EU fisheries ministers for agreeing to continue their decades long tradition of overfishing.

    “Along with biodiversity loss and climate change, overfishing is having a devastating effect on the ocean. The ocean gives us every second breath, overfishing is taking that away.” said Mike Walker of Our Fish. “This morning’s decision once again illustrates that EU fisheries ministers are blind to reality, negotiating with nature behind closed doors in Brussels. It is time they step outside and see the destruction caused by thirty years of overfishing, and realise they missed the historic opportunity to end it.”

    “This result is a massive blow to the EU’s chances of ending overfishing by 2020. It appears that short-term political interest have again been prioritised over the benefits of more sustainable and profitable fisheries. Overfishing is driving marine life to the brink contributing to a 70 percent drop in global seabird populations over the last 50 years [1]. We need urgent action and for our government to implement the law. Instead there has been no progress just a year out from the final deadline,” said Fintan Kelly of BirdWatch Ireland.

    The 2013 reform of the EU’s Common Fisheries Policy included a commitment to end overfishing by 2015, or by 2020 at the latest. The latest assessment indicated that over 55 percent of North Sea and Atlantic fish stocks are still overfished – experts predict that at this rate, the EU will not meet the 2020 deadline [2], highlighting that significant progress would need to be made at this years negotiations. The introduction of the ban on discarding fish at sea, or throwing unwanted fish back (called the landing obligation), has been hindered by a lack of political will and reluctance from the fishing industry to change their behaviour [3].

    Both overfishing and discarding fish are short-sighted practices which deplete fish stocks and result in negative environmental and socio-economic impacts for fishermen. The CFP reform was negotiated under the Irish EU Presidency and the commitment to implement both obligations is within the Irish programme for government [4]. Despite this Minister Creed has repeatedly pushed for fishing limits to be set higher than scientifically advised [5].

    For Ireland the medium term economic benefits relative to 2012-14, of rebuilding EU fish stocks to levels recommended by science could provide Ireland with an additional 200,000 tonnes of fish landings annually. This would generate an additional €270 million in earnings potentially supporting 2,200 new jobs [6].


    [1] Persisting Worldwide Seabird-Fishery Competition Despite Seabird Community Decline

    [2] Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) – Monitoring the performance of the Common Fisheries Policy (STECF-Adhoc-18-01). Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2018


    [3] Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) – 57th Plenary Meeting Report (PLEN-18-01); Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2018

    [4] Irish Government (2016) A Programme For Partnership Government

    [5] No time for further delays in meeting 2020 sustainability deadline

    [6] NEF (2017) A Fair Fishing Deal for Ireland – How to Manage Irish Fisheries in the Public Interest


    About Our Fish

    Our Fish works to ensure European member states implement the Common Fisheries Policy and achieve sustainable fish stocks in European waters.

    Our Fish works with organisations and individuals across Europe to deliver a powerful and unwavering message: overfishing must be stopped, and solutions put in place that ensure Europe’s waters are fished sustainably. Our Fish demands that the Common Fisheries Policy be properly enforced, and Europe’s fisheries effectively governed.

    Ourice, and to ensure that their fishing fleets prove that they are fishing sustainably, through monitoring Fish calls on all EU Member States to set annual fishing limits at sustainable limits based on scientific adv and full documentation of their catch.


    About BirdWatch Ireland

    BirdWatch Ireland is the largest independent conservation organisation in Ireland, with over 15,000 members and supporters and a local network of over 30 branches nationwide.

    BirdWatch Ireland have been working since the reform of the Common Fisheries Policy both in Ireland and the EU to ensure that the full implementation of the sustainable fisheries management including the CFP’s obligations to end overfishing by 2020 and and the implementation of the landing obligation in 2019.


    Contact Details

    Fintan Kelly, Policy Officer, BirdWatch Ireland


    Phone: 0851295849



    Mike Walker, Campaigner, Our Fish


    Phone: 086 6033002


    Follow Our Fish on Twitter: @our_fish

  • Undercurrent: NGO denounces Norway-EU fisheries deal for taking no action against overfishing

    Undercurrent: NGO denounces Norway-EU fisheries deal for taking no action against overfishing

    NGO denounces Norway-EU fisheries deal for taking no action against overfishing


    Undercurrent, 18 December 2018: NGO denounces Norway-EU fisheries deal for taking no action against overfishing


    The environmental NGO Our Fish has attacked the fisheries deal that was finalized between Norway and the EU on Dec. 13, which it has called “the worst outcome for shared fish stocks in ten years”. 

    The deal set the new total allowable catches (TACs) in 2019 for a number of jointly-managed fish stocks in Norwegian waters including cod, blue whiting, haddock and saithe. The value of quotas for the common stocks and quota swaps contained in the agreement is estimated at approximately NOK 8 billion ($920 million) in total.

    However, Our Fish has castigated both parties for failing to take any action to reduce overfishing in the North-East Atlantic, noting that of the 16 fishing quotas agreed upon in the deal, only two were set in line with scientific recommendations.

    Furthermore, Our Fish said that nine of the 16 TACs were actually more than 25% over the maximum sustainable yield.

    “It is no surprise that decisions taken behind closed doors, with industry present, lack both vision and accountability,” said program director Rebecca Hubbard. “The decision by the EU and Norway to continue overfishing is consistent with the cave-dweller approach that has blinkered European fisheries management for too long.”

    The EU authorities are under significant pressure to end overfishing around Europe by 2020, as stipulated in the common fisheries policy. Our Fish and other environmental NGOs have accused agreements such as this one of serving short-term industry goals, rather than accounting for the wider picture.

    The organization was also heavily critical of the decision to set five of the 16 TACs above the bycatch exemptions set out in the landings obligation.

    “EU ministers have again refused to implement the ban on discarding at sea and failed to put in place a monitoring system that ensures illegal and unreported discarding stops and the limits are followed”, added Hubbard.



  • Euronews: Demonstration in Brussels to demand an end to overfishing

    Euronews: Demonstration in Brussels to demand an end to overfishing

    Euronews, 17 December 2018, Agrifish Council Meeting, Brussels: French: Spanish:

    God of the sea, Poseidon, meets EU, German and Austrian officials to deliver 350,000 signatures from EU citizens calling for an end to overfishing, collected by Our Fish, Seas at Risk and – read full press release: Europe’s Leading Marine Deity Barred from EU Fisheries Meeting

  • Euronews: Demonstration in Brussels to demand an end to overfishing

    Euronews: Demonstration in Brussels to demand an end to overfishing

    Euronews, 17 December 2018, Agrifish Council Meeting, Brussels:



    God of the sea, Poseidon, meets EU, German and Austrian officials to deliver 350,000 signatures from EU citizens calling for an end to overfishing, collected by Our Fish, Seas at Risk and – read full press release: Europe’s Leading Marine Deity Barred from EU Fisheries Meeting

  • Euronews: Demonstration in Brussels to demand an end to overfishing

    Euronews: Demonstration in Brussels to demand an end to overfishing

    Euronews, 17 December 2018, Agrifish Council Meeting, Brussels:



    God of the sea, Poseidon, meets EU, German and Austrian officials to deliver 350,000 signatures from EU citizens calling for an end to overfishing, collected by Our Fish, Seas at Risk and – read full press release: Europe’s Leading Marine Deity Barred from EU Fisheries Meeting

  • Euronews: Demonstration in Brussels to demand an end to overfishing

    Euronews: Demonstration in Brussels to demand an end to overfishing

    Euronews, 17 December 2018, Agrifish Council Meeting, Brussels:



    God of the sea, Poseidon, meets EU, German and Austrian officials to deliver 350,000 signatures from EU citizens calling for an end to overfishing, collected by Our Fish, Seas at Risk and – read full press release: Europe’s Leading Marine Deity Barred from EU Fisheries Meeting

  • EU-Norway agreement the worst outcome for fish stocks in ten years

    EU-Norway agreement the worst outcome for fish stocks in ten years

    Our Fish Demands end to EU overfishing in Bergen

    Brussels, 17 December 2018:- Our Fish is aghast at the decision by the EU and Norway to continue overfishing in the North Sea and Atlantic waters [1]. Of sixteen shared TACs (Total Allowable Catches) that were agreed, only two follow the scientific advice, and overall, the agreement represents the worst outcome for shared fish stocks in ten years.

    “It is no surprise that decisions taken behind closed doors, with industry present, lack both  vision and accountability. The decision by the EU and Norway to continue overfishing is consistent with the cave-dweller approach that has blinkered European fisheries management for too long”, said Our Fish Program Director Rebecca Hubbard.

    “The short-sightedness of this decision is magnified by last week’s climate COP in Katowice. The ocean is the origin of all life on earth, it is our largest carbon sink, yet it has been over-exploited for decades, jeopardising the whole ecosystem. Overfishing is the most destructive influence on the ocean that we have immediate control over. Yet EU Member States act as though they are oblivious to this connection, and are determined to blinker their vision by continuing to pander to a few short-term industry interests. It is a pathetic outcome.”

    “EU ministers have again refused to implement the ban on discarding at sea, and failed to put in place a monitoring system that ensures illegal and unreported, discarding stops and the limits are followed”, concluded Hubbard.



    Dave Walsh, Our Fish Communications Advisor, +34 691826764

    Rebecca Hubbard, Our Fish Program Director, +34 657669425



    • Only two of sixteen TACs were set in line with scientific advice;
    • Five of sixteen TACs are set above scientific advice considering exemptions from the landing obligation (discard ban);
    • Nine of sixteen TACs were set at least 25% above scientific advice.

    [1] Agreed Record of Fisheries Consultations between Norway and the EU for 2019; Agreed Record of Conclusions of Fisheries Consultations between Norway and the European Union on the regulation of fisheries in Skaggerak and Kattegat for 2019

    Civil society organisations had been refused entry to the annual meeting at Norway’s Fiskeridirektoratet (Fisheries Directorate) in Bergen – see video here, which was attended by the European Commission, government and fishing industry representatives from a number of EU member states, and Norway. The Our Fish campaign, in partnership with local brass band Kleppe Musikklag – who played tunes such as Europe’s The Final Countdown, and Norwegian-based street artist Sedin Zunic of Sea Invaders – who created his 2×2 artwork on a nearby building, gathered outside the meeting as it opened on November 26th, to remind delegates of their commitments to end overfishing by 2020, and to call for greater transparency during fisheries negotiations [3]. Officials arriving in Bergen airport had already been welcomed by startling images from the Fishlove campaign (pictured) calling for an end to overfishing and greater transparency.

    here – contact for more details.


    About Our Fish

    Our Fish works to ensure European member states implement the Common Fisheries Policy and achieve sustainable fish stocks in European waters.

    Our Fish works with organisations and individuals across Europe to deliver a powerful and unwavering message: overfishing must be stopped, and solutions put in place that ensure Europe’s waters are fished sustainably. Our Fish demands that the Common Fisheries Policy be properly enforced, and Europe’s fisheries effectively governed.

    Our Fish calls on all EU Member States to set annual fishing limits at sustainable limits based on scientific advice, and to ensure that their fishing fleets prove that they are fishing sustainably, through monitoring and full documentation of their catch.


    Follow Our Fish on Twitter: @our_fish

  • Protestaktion vor EU-Fischereitreffen: „Meeresgott Poseidon“ besucht EU-Fischereirat – 350.000 Unterschriften für nachhaltige Fangquoten überreicht

    Protestaktion vor EU-Fischereitreffen: „Meeresgott Poseidon“ besucht EU-Fischereirat – 350.000 Unterschriften für nachhaltige Fangquoten überreicht

    Poseidon meets EU fisheries officials in Brussels
    God of the sea, Poseidon, meets EU fisheries officials – Director General of DG Mare, Mr Aguiar Machado, Austrian Ambassador Thomas Oberreiter and German government fisheries representative Walter Duebner in Brussels, at the opening of the December Council Agrifish meeting. Dave Walsh/Our Fish

    EU-Fischereirat beschließt diese Woche Fangquoten für 2019 in Atlantik und Nordsee – Aktion von Our Fish am heutigen Montag in Brüssel: „Meeresgott Poseidon“ besucht Ministertreffen mit Unterschriften von 350.000 Petenten – Deutsche Umwelthilfe und Our Fish fordern EU-Fischereiminister auf, Überfischung zu beenden

    Brüssel/Berlin, 17.12.2018: 350.000 EU-Bürger fordern im Rahmen einer Petition die EU-Fischereiminister auf, sich für eine nachhaltige Fischerei einzusetzen. Vor dem heutigen Treffen des EU-Fischereirats wurden die Unterschriften von der 12-jähirgen Tahina Mongodin mit den Worten „Das ist für unsere Zukunft“ dem Generaldirektor der GD Mare, João Aguiar Machado, dem österreichischen Botschafter Thomas Oberreiter als Vertreter der aktuellen Ratspräsidentschaft sowie dem deutschen Ministeriumsvertreter Walter Dübner überreicht. „Meeresgott Poseidon“ begleitete die Aktion auf dem roten Teppich vor dem Justus-Lipsius-Gebäude in Brüssel.

    Die Deutsche Umwelthilfe (DUH) und Our Fish fordern die EU-Fischereiminister auf, die Überfischung der europäischen Meere zu beenden. Dazu müssen sie nachhaltige Fangquoten nach wissenschaftlicher Empfehlung für Nordsee und Atlantik bei den Verhandlungen des Europäischen Rates in dieser Woche festlegen.

    Die Programmdirektorin von Our Fish, Rebecca Hubbard, fordert im Zuge der Aktion: „Die EU-Fischereiminister haben sich bis 2020 zum Ziel gesetzt, die Überfischung in Europa zu beenden. Bis dahin ist es nur noch ein Jahr. Die Fischereiminister müssen auf mehr als 350.000 EU-Bürger und internationale Prominente hören: Legen Sie Fangquoten nach wissenschaftlichen Empfehlungen fest. Sorgen Sie für gesunde Fischbestände wie Sie es versprochen haben.“

    Sascha Müller-Kraenner, DUH-Bundesgeschäftsführer fügt hinzu: „Das diesjährige Treffen ist von entscheidender Bedeutung. Ab 2019 muss die Anlandeverpflichtung, also das Verbot, unerwünschte Fische zurück ins Meer zu werfen, endgültig europaweit umgesetzt werden. Damit illegale Rückwürfe in Zukunft nicht länger im Verborgenen bleiben, müssen sich die EU-Minister endlich zu einer vollständigen Dokumentation und Kontrolle bekennen.“

    Hubbard ergänzt: „Gesunde Fischbestände sind die Grundlage für ein sicheres Einkommen für Fischer, florierende Küstengemeinden und eine intakte Meeresumwelt. Es gibt keinen triftigen Grund, die nötigen Maßnahmen weiter hinauszuzögern – in vielen Fällen haben die vergangenen politischen Verzögerungen die Fischbestände erst in die schwierige Situation gebracht, in der sie sich heute befinden. Unsere Ozeane und die heutigen und zukünftigen Generationen verdienen bessere politische Entscheidungen.“


    Die Reform der Gemeinsamen Fischereipolitik der EU im Jahr 2013 beinhaltet die Verpflichtung, die Überfischung bis spätestens 2020 zu beenden. Fünf Jahre später sind laut neuster Bewertungen immer noch 55 Prozent der Fischbestände in der Nordsee und im Atlantik überfischt. Experten des wissenschaftlichen, technischen und wirtschaftlichen Ausschusses für die Fischerei (STECF) prognostizieren, dass die EU bei dieser Geschwindigkeit die 2020-Frist nicht einhalten wird. Die Einführung des Rückwurfverbots von quotierten Fischen auf See (die sogenannte Anlandeverpflichtung) wird von der Fischereiindustrie abgelehnt, sodass sich das Rückwurfverhalten kaum geändert hat.

    Vor dem Treffen des EU-Fischereirats haben Our Fish, DUH und andere NGOs den EU-Fischereiministern Empfehlungen für die zulässigen Gesamtfangmengen für ausgewählte Bestände im Atlantik und in der Nordsee mitgeteilt. Mit Petitionen und Protestmails machten die beiden Organisationen in den vergangenen Monaten auf die illegalen Rückwürfe auf See und die Notwendigkeit für nachhaltige Fangquoten aufmerksam. So gingen bisher fast 20.000 Protestmails an Julia Klöckner, die für Fischerei zuständige Bundesministerin, andere europäische Fischereiminister und EU-Kommissar Karmenu Vella ein.

    Über Our Fish:

    Our Fish will sicherstellen, dass die EU-Mitgliedstaaten die Gemeinsame Fischereipolitik umsetzen und für nachhaltige Fischbestände in den europäischen Gewässern sorgen.

    Our Fish arbeitet mit Organisationen und Personen in ganz Europa zusammen, um eine starke und beharrliche Kernbotschaft zu verbreiten: Die Überfischung muss beendet und die nachhaltige Befischung der europäischen Meere gewährleistet werden. Our Fish fordert die ordnungsgemäße Durchführung der Gemeinsamen Fischereipolitik und die effektive Kontrolle der europäischen Fischereien.

    Our Fish ruft alle EU-Mitgliedstaaten dazu auf, nachhaltige Fanggrenzen auf der Grundlage wissenschaftlicher Empfehlungen festzulegen und durch Überwachung und Dokumentation aller Fänge sicherzustellen, dass ihre Fangflotten den Nachweis einer nachhaltigen Fischerei erbringen.

    Die DUH koordiniert die Kampagne Our Fish in Deutschland.



    Sascha Müller-Kraenner, Bundesgeschäftsführer DUH
    0160 90354509,

    Rebecca Hubbard, Programmdirektorin Our Fish
    +34 657669425,

    Katja Hockun, Projektmanagerin Meeresnaturschutz DUH
    030 2400867-895,


    Andrea Kuper, Ann-Kathrin Marggraf
    030 2400867-20,,,

    Wenn Sie keine weiteren E-Mails von der Deutschen Umwelthilfe e. V. erhalten möchten, klicken Sie bitte auf den nachfolgenden Link: Die Bearbeitung dieser Anfrage wird maximal zwei Arbeitstage dauern.

    Kontakt: Deutsche Umwelthilfe e. V. (DUH), Fritz-Reichle-Ring 4, 78315 Radolfzell, Tel.: 07732-9995-0

  • Zeegod Poseidon brengt Europese visserijministers 350.000 handtekeningen

    Zeegod Poseidon brengt Europese visserijministers 350.000 handtekeningen

    Poseidon meets EU fisheries officials in Brussels
    God of the sea, Poseidon, meets EU fisheries officials in Brussels, at the opening of the December Council Agrifish meeting. Dave Walsh/Our Fish

    Brussel, 17 december 2018 — Zeegod Poseidon uitte maandag scherpe kritiek op de Europese visserijministers bij aanvang van de Landbouw- en Visserijraad in Brussel. De Europese god van het onderwaterleven bracht de visserijministers ruim 350.000 handtekeningen van Europese burgers en eiste van hen nu eindelijk echte bescherming van het zeeleven.

    “Stop overbevissing nu!”

    “Commissaris, ministers: stop overbevissing nu!” sprak Poseidon bij de plechtige overhandiging van de 350.000 handtekeningen tegen overbevissing, op de rode loper voor het Lipsiusgebouw in Brussel. (1) Zij werden officieel in ontvangst genomen door de Directeur-Generaal Aguiar Machado, namens alle visserijministers van de Europese lidstaten, onder wie de Nederlandse visserijminister Carola Schouten.

    Plunderen van de zee

    De godheid van de zee raakte pas echt ontstemd toen hem de toegang tot de Visserijtop werd ontzegd. “Ministers: alweer vijf jaar geleden maakten jullie de Visserijwet om overbevissing in 2020 te beëindigen! Onder en boven water zijn wij allemaal bezorgd dat jullie doorgaan met het grenzeloze plunderen van mijn rijk.”

    Deadline 2020

    De visserijministers overleggen ieder jaar in december over visvangsten. De Nederlandse visserijminister Schouten pleit in Brussel voor een aantal vissoorten alweer voor hogere quota dan wat wetenschappers adviseren, weet Sharon Becker, campagnecoördinator van Our Fish in Nederland. “Dit verergert overbevissing. Stop allemaal met uitstellen, houd je aan de afspraken. Alleen zo kom je alle beloftes voor gezonde visbestanden na. Onze oceanen en toekomstige generaties verdienen echt leiderschap.”

    Beter leiderschap
    Vijf jaar na invoering de visserijwet is ruim 55 procent van de Noordoost-Atlantische visbestanden nog overbevist. (2) De aanlandplicht (het verbod op het overboord gooien van ongewenste, dode bijvangst) moet in 2019 eindelijk worden gehandhaafd, vindt Our Fish. Om overbeviste en kwetsbare vissoorten te redden, moeten de visserijministers het toezicht en de controle op de Visserijwet sterk verbeteren. De aanlandplicht wordt nu nog tegengewerkt door de visserijsector.(3) Nederland, Ierland, Groot-Brittannië, België en Denemarken horen bij de grote overbevissers van de EU. (4)

    Our Fish

    Our Fish werkt in Europa aan gezonde visbestanden in Europese wateren. Our Fish in Nederland: Website Op Twitter: @our_fish


    Einde persbericht. Voor meer informatie:

    Dave Walsh, Our Fish Communications Advisor, +34 691826764


    Foto’s en video’s:


    [1] De 350.00 handtekeningen zijn verzameld met drie petities sinds oktober 2017:


    [2] Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) – Monitoring the performance of the Common Fisheries Policy (STECF-Adhoc-18-01). Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2018.


    [3] Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) – 57th Plenary Meeting Report (PLEN-18-01); Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2018.


    [4]. New Economics Foundation 2018, Landing The Blame: Overfishing In The Atlantic 2018.