New Economics Foundation (NEF) har i dag udgivet rapporten Landing the blame, der placerer Danmark på en kedelig fjerdeplads over de EU-lande, der bærer det største ansvar for overfiskeri af...
Environmental organisations ClientEarth and Our Fish welcomed the European Commission´s (EC) decision to give course to the infringement proceedings against Denmark, since the country failed to properly control fishing practices...
Environmental organizations ClientEarth and Our Fish welcomed a decision by the European Commission to follow-up on infringement proceedings against Denmark for failing to properly control fishing practices, and illegal misreporting...
Danske fiskere har systematisk indrapporteret forkerte tal på bifangster og de danske myndigheder har undladt at kontrollere fiskerne. EU sender kraftig advarsel.
Rebecca Hubbard, Program Director of Our Fish, speaks to Euronews on the EU landing obligation to end wasteful discarding of fish in EU fisheries, January 1st, 2019
Politiken: Miljøgruppe: EU svigter løfte om at stoppe rovdrift på fisk Udmeldingen skuffer Our Fish. »2019 skulle have været året, hvor fiskekvoterne endelig kom på linje med forskernes anbefalinger,...
Fiona Harvey, in The Guardian, 19 December 2018: EU fishing quotas pose risk to some stocks, say campaigners – Ministers setting limits for 2019 accused of ignoring scientific advice on overfishing...
Ministers ‘ignoring scientific evidence’ and haggling over fishing quotas ‘like kids trading football cards’, say campaigners Campaigners have described the levels as “very modest progress”, and said the council was... use cookies to ensure give you the best experience on our website - but we don't track you for any nefarious marketing purposes. If you continue browsing, we're assuming you're good with that! Cool!Read more